<br />l
<br />1
<br />Clerk prepare advertisement for the purchase of a motorcycle on January 2nd 19349 and
<br />in,the meantime -for each member of this Board to see what can be done along this line
<br />and report back at the regular meeting to be held %ueadty, January; 2nd 1934.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board
<br />then adjourned.
<br />ATT3WT a s Chairman
<br />C 1 e r k.
<br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 2nd 1934.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at
<br />the Court House in Vero Beach, at 10:00. o'clock A.M.Tuesday, January 2nd 1934, with
<br />the following members of the Board present: J. J.P. Hamilton, Chairman; J.D.Yongue; R.E.
<br />Ridge; John M. Knight ' and Edwin A. ffelseth.
<br />Villiam Prick, Sheriff.
<br />9
<br />,Also present *ere Miles Warren, Clerk and
<br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved.
<br />On motion made, seconded and carried J.J.P.Hamilton was unanimously selected as
<br />Chairman of the Board for the year 1934.
<br />On motion made, seconded and carried the firm of Vocelle & Mitchell was selected
<br />as Attorney for this Board for the year 1934 at acmonthly salary of 925.001, with the
<br />understand that Chas. A. Mitchell, of the f inn i s • to attend the regular Board meetings.
<br />Chas Kersey was selected as Road Superintendent at a monthly salary of 0100.00
<br />p
<br />and Alex Davis was named as Janitor at the salary - o£ 025.00 per month.
<br />The salary of the Clerk to this Board was continued at 950.00 per month and the
<br />salary of the County Judge as Judge of the Ruvenile Court was set at 525.00 per month.
<br />Mi as Leila, Bunkley appeared befo re the Bo and, regarding Mr s Roscoe Douglass whose
<br />husband is now,in Jail, and also Will Parry, negro, and advised that both were in need
<br />of assistance.. E'o. action being taken on the request. .
<br />The time having arrived for the opening of bids submitted for the proposed purchase
<br />of a motor -cycle for County use, each bids as submitted were opened and read by the
<br />Clerk. .After e,one'idering the same, it was ordered that the matter of purchasing such
<br />machine be deferred until the next regular meeting of this Board.
<br />As provideVd by lawa list of Confederate pensioners of this County was received
<br />from the estate gbmptroller and carefully checked over and found to be correct,. same
<br />were approved and aordeeed transmitted hack to the .Comptroller.
<br />The Deputy Sheriff bond 'of Richard Plisha Barker in the sum of $19000.00 .with
<br />ITational Surety. Coarporation, a corporation .was approved.
<br />The Deputy eriff bond of Edwin wa 1tir Him lton in the sum of 01,000.00 with
<br />National Surety Corporation, a corporation ,as ,surety was approved.
<br />The Depi:ty. Sheriff bond of Robert Leith Carrouthers, in the sum of $19000..00. with
<br />National Surr6tj Corporation, a corporation,' as surety was approved. .
<br />The followini resolution was offered by Commissioner Knight who moved its, adoption:
<br />y
<br />WHERUIII the board of Administration lias ,submitted certain proposals of persons,
<br />f irms and corporations offering to sell to said Board, bonds of the. County of Indiata
<br />River, under the provisions of House Bill 80. '309' .Acts of the 1933 session of the,
<br />Legislature ,° and,
<br />WHERTAS, after carefully considering all _of `such proposals, and considering the'
<br />amount of fuhds" available with said Board of a administration, for this purpose, and
<br />taking into consideration all existing conditions, it is deemed advisable to approve'
<br />