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890K 102 PAGE 259 <br />This is a request to rezone approximately 17.5 acres located at the <br />southwest corner of 90th Avenue and 26th Street. The request <br />involves rezoning the subject property, owned by Jacquelyn S. Reed, <br />as Trustee, from A-1, Agricultural District (up to 1 unit/5 acres) <br />to RM -8, Multiple -Family Residential District (up to 8 units/acre). <br />The purpose of the request is to secure the zoning necessary to <br />develop the site, consistent with its comprehensive plan land use <br />designation, at a greater residential density. <br />On June 26, 1997, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to <br />recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve this <br />request to rezone the subject property to RM -8. <br />The subject property and properties to the north and west consist <br />of agriculturally zoned wooded areas. A 100 foot wide canal right- <br />of-way abuts the site's north boundary. West of the subject <br />property is Paradise Park, Unit 3. That subdivision, which appears <br />never to have been cleared, was platted prior to the existence of <br />zoning regulations in the county and has not been developed. Thus, <br />it contains no houses, or infrastructure such as roads and utility <br />lines. East of the subject property, across 90th Avenue, is <br />Paradise Park, Unit 2, which is zoned RS -6, Single -Family <br />Residential District (up to 6 units/acre). Paradise Park, Unit 2 <br />contains some infrastructure and houses. Abutting the subject <br />property on the south is a wooded area zoned RM -8. <br />The subject property and properties to the east, west, and south <br />are designated M-1, Medium -Density Residential -1, on the county <br />future land use map. The M-1 designation permits residential uses <br />with densities up to 8 units/acre. <br />Land to the north of the site is outside the county's urban service <br />area and is designated AG -1, Agricultural -1 on the county future <br />land use map. The AG -1 designation permits agricultural uses and <br />residential uses with densities up to 1 unit/5 acres. <br />The subject property consists primarily of pine flatwoods that have <br />been invaded by several species of exotic/nuisance vegetation. <br />Based on a cursory review, the site does not appear to contain <br />jurisdictional wetlands. The northern fringe of the property, <br />however, appears to be within a zone "A" flood hazard area. The <br />zone "A" flood hazard area indicates that a minimum base flood <br />elevation has not been determined for that area. <br />Potable water lines <br />Avenue. Centralized <br />within a half mile of <br />August 12, 1997 <br />extend to the subject property along 90th <br />sanitary sewer lines extend along SR 60 to <br />the site. <br />36 <br />