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- Future Land Use Element Objective 5 and Policy 5.3 <br />Future Land Use Element Objective 5 and Policy 5.3 encourage varied <br />densities and development patterns to accommodate a diversity of <br />lifestyles. Most of the residentially designated land near the <br />subject property is platted for single-family development. By <br />permitting additional development options on the subject property, <br />the subject request implements Future Land Use Element Objective 5 <br />and Policy 5.3. <br />- Economic Development Element Policies 8.1 and 8.5 <br />Economic Development Element Policies 8.1 and 8.5 address the use <br />of incentives, including increased densities, to reduce the cost <br />per housing unit and to encourage the provision of affordable <br />housing. By allowing increased density on the subject property, <br />the request would implement Economic Development Element Policies <br />8.1 and B.S. <br />- Mass Transit Element Policy 1.2 <br />Mass Transit Element Policy 1.2 states that the county will provide <br />higher densities along major transportation corridors in order to <br />facilitate future mass transit provision. Since the request is for <br />the county's second highest density and the subject property is <br />located within one half of a mile from a major transportation <br />corridor, the request implements Mass Transit Element Policy 1.2. <br />While the referenced policies and objectives are particularly <br />applicable to this request, other comprehensive plan policies and <br />objectives also have relevance. For that reason, staff evaluated <br />the subject request for consistency with all plan policies and <br />objectives. Based upon that analysis, staff determined that the <br />request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />Staff's position is that multiple -family residential development is <br />appropriate for the site and that such development would be <br />compatible with surrounding land uses. Since land abutting the <br />subject property's south boundary is zoned RM -8, the request is for <br />the continuation of an existinq zoning pattern. More importantly, <br />because it is located near the SR 60/I-95 commercial/ industrial <br />node, the subject property is particularly well suited to meet the <br />demand for multiple -family housing generated by development within <br />that node. In effect, the proposed rezoning would increase the <br />opportunity for people to live near their place of employment. <br />Although a single-family subdivision is located to the east of the <br />subject property, provisions of the SR 60 Corridor Plan ensure that <br />development of a multiple -family residential project on the subject <br />property will be adequately buffered from the nearby single-family <br />subdivision. In addition to canopy trees, understory trees, a <br />berm, and a continuous hedge, the required buffer along 901h Avenue <br />must contain a six foot high opaque feature. <br />Separation distance is another factor that works to mitigate <br />potential impacts. LDR mandated front setbacks of 25 feet in the <br />RM -8 district and 20 feet in the RS -6 district, combined with the <br />65 feet of public road right-of-way for 90th Avenue, ensure that <br />there will be at least 110 feet between buildings in the adjoining <br />districts. <br />43 <br />August <br />August 12,1997 <br />PAGE <br />06 <br />
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