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BGOK 1.0-1AGE W <br />Commissioner Ginn felt that tax dollars were not needed to fund this. She expressed <br />her respect for Visions but felt the project could be done on a volunteer basis and could not <br />support funding. <br />Commissioner Adams also wanted to see the organization succeed but could not <br />classify this as an urgent need and felt it would be setting a precedent for other organizations <br />originally denied at the time of the decisions regarding the budget. <br />Commissioner Macht questioned several items in the proposed budget and <br />questioned whether the organization had also missed the deadline for application for the <br />municipalities' budgets. <br />Mr. Johnson responded that he had been out-of-state and had missed the notices <br />regarding the budget workshops. <br />Commissioner Tippin felt the County's greatest asset is volunteers and believed the <br />organization's potential is fantastic. He proposed a compromise of one-half of the requested <br />funding with the understanding that next year, if progress is being made, consideration be <br />given to additional funding. Commissioner Tippin also requested that VISIONS came back <br />with a revised budget specifically showing the allocation of the funding prior to <br />disbursement of the funds. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Tippin, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board, by a 4-1 vote (Commissioner <br />Ginn opposed) approved funding from the General Fund <br />Contingency Fund in the amount of $4,500 representing one- <br />half of the requested funding, with the stipulation that a revised <br />Budget be submitted to the Board prior to any disbursement of <br />funds. <br />SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 <br />