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BOOK 103 FADE 254 <br />Grant Gilmore, 5920 ? Street SW, had a question about an earlier statement of Mr. <br />Keating that 1 -unit per acre increases urban sprawl and L-1 (3 -units per acre) does not. <br />Chairman Eggert explained that the Florida Department of Community Affairs favors <br />more dense population, which Indian River County does not. <br />Director Keating added, for example, that the county is expecting another 50,000 <br />people in the 20 -year time horizon in the plan. If that were 50,000 households it would take <br />3 -times as much land area to accommodate them at 1 -unit per acre, than at 3 -units per acre. <br />None of the concepts today involve extending the urban service area. So, what is being said <br />is that we have an outer boundary and we would like to make sure that the area within that <br />boundary is used efficiently, instead of sprawling out further. <br />Mr. Gilmore thought that the cost per acre (1 -unit vs 3 -units) would slow down the <br />growth. Nevertheless, he has watched the parcel adjacent to his go from Agriculture to <br />Rural and now it is proposed to go to L-1. He wondered if staff has considered the <br />association of the property with major drainage systems to the Lagoon, such as the Lateral <br />D canal, which is adjacent and is a major tributary to the Lagoon. He was concerned about <br />pesticide runoff from more units next to that canal. He suggested that homeowners needed <br />to change their tactics in the use of pesticides. He wondered if staff was aware that <br />continued increase in housing densities had a long-term impact county -wide to the entire <br />Lagoon system. <br />Chairman Eggert assured Mr. Gilmore that staff looks carefully into all the concerns. <br />Mr. Gilmore had just returned from China where agricultural land is extremely dear. <br />He felt it was ironic that this most valuable land in coastal Florida is disappearing so rapidly, <br />particularly for a crop (Indian River fruit) which is very dear in the Orient. <br />There was a brief discussion about the prior Rural designation on this property and <br />Director Keating explained that when the Comprehensive Plan was approved an intervenor <br />(Mr. Feldman) went to Tallahassee. A negotiated settlement was reached in order to avoid <br />an administrative hearing. It was explained that if it were changed to AG -1 (like the <br />surrounding property) that it would probably end up in court and staff is trying to be more <br />efficient in the urban service area. <br />Commissioner Tippin liked it much better as he was growing up in the county near <br />Lateral A. SR -60 had only grapefruit trees and cows. He told about shooting cottontail <br />10 <br />OCTOBER 29, 1997 <br />M M ■r <br />