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rabbits in Bent Pines, because they were better than the marsh rabbits over on Storm Grove <br />Road. He recalled that ten years ago the D.C.A. said we had one of the best Comprehensive <br />Plans; now they are saying we have created urban sprawl. It is a paradox and we are in a <br />transition period trying to plan for the future. People need to understand and realize that we <br />are going to change and going to grow. Planning is being done to try to have the county <br />grow in a orderly manner in the best interest of all the people in the county. <br />Commissioner Ginn stated she was advised by the Director of Community <br />Development who told her that we have everything we need in the Comprehensive Plan for <br />future growth. It seemed to her that some of the suggested land use changes were spot <br />changes and she was opposed to that. She felt this last piece of property should be changed <br />to AG -1 from Rural. <br />Gene Winne noticed that there had been other Comprehensive Plan changes in the <br />advertisement, and Director Keating advised that they were not part of the Evaluation and <br />Appraisal Report (EAR) changes. The two others were changes submitted by individuals. <br />Steve Walker, 3055 62' Court, owner of Walker Citrus on 33' Street, spoke <br />concerning the proposed land use change on 33`d Street. He had arrived late and stated that <br />good things are going on at the Kerr Center and their Apopka weevil research. He had to <br />replace 10 acres of citrus because of the weevil. He saw no need to make any more L-2. <br />Concerning a buffer between agricultural and subdivisions, he agreed that dense buffers are <br />beneficial to both and stated his reasons. <br />Joan Martinelli, 7110 33' Street, had also arrived late and wished to address the <br />proposed land use change on 33`d Street. They chose their property (a 5 -acre tract) a year <br />ago because they wanted room to spread out. They have been working with the Kerr Center <br />in raising crops. She was opposed to having the area get more dense. <br />There were no other speakers who wished to address these proposed land use changes. <br />Chairman Eggert asked if any Commissioner wished to make any comments to staff <br />concerning these three or the other three proposed land use changes. <br />(Clerk's Note: Maps showing the other three proposed land use changes <br />follow.) <br />11 <br />OCTOBER 29, 1997 <br />BOOK 103 FAGE945-5 <br />