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BOOKX 4 PaGE � <br />11.G. KING'S HIGHWAY (58th AVE.) IMPROVEMENTS - (12th <br />ST. TO 26th ST.) CONSTRUCTION TESTING (SOIL) SERVICES <br />AGREEMENT - DUNKELBERGER ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. <br />The Board reviewed a Memorandum of January 26, 1998: <br />TO: James Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />THROUGH: James W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />FROM: Terry B. Thompson, P.E. <br />Capital Projects Manager <br />SUBJECT: Construction Testing Services Agreement <br />Kings Highway (58"' Avenue) Improvements <br />12"' Street to 26"h Street <br />DATE: January 26, 1998 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />Staff has negotiated an Agreement with Dunkelberger Engineering and Testing, Inc. for <br />construction materials testing services during the construction of 58"' Avenue <br />Improvements. Dunkelberger Engineering served as the Geotechnical Consultant during <br />the design phase of the project as a subconsultant to the Engineering Consultant, Kimley- <br />Horn and Associates, Inc. <br />The Kings Highway corridor has very poor soil conditions. The roadway design includes <br />a geosynthetic reinforced roadway base and geosynthetic reinforced soil slopes along the <br />west side of the Lateral °B" Canal. The design of the roadway and canal banks was based <br />on recommendations of the Geotechnical Consultant to the Engineering Consultant. Staff <br />would like to utilize the testing services of Dunkleberger Engineering during the <br />construction phase to ensure that construction adheres to their design recommendations. <br />The attached agreement outlines the specific services to be provided. Compensation will <br />be on a unit price basis for the actual amount of testing provided and technical time <br />expended up to a total "Not to Exceed" budget of $95,000. <br />Analysis and Alternatives <br />Alternative No. 1 <br />Authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement as written. <br />Alternative No. 2 <br />Issue a Request for Proposal and select a Geotechnical Consultant through <br />competitive negotiation. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />Staff recommends approval of Alternative No. 1. <br />Funding is from Account # 101-158-541-067.31. <br />February 3, 1998 <br />