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l ,i l `: <br />Park Use Tma= <br />A review of county recreation facilities and the projected demand that would result from the most <br />intense development that could occur on the property under the proposed amendment indicates that <br />the adopted levels of service would be maintained. The table below illustrates the additional park <br />demand associated with the proposed development of the property and the existing surplus acreage <br />by park type. <br />PARK TYPE <br />LOS (ACRES/1000 <br />POP.) <br />PROJECT DEMAND <br />(ACRES) <br />SURPLUS <br />ACREAGE <br />Urban District <br />5.0 <br />2.65 <br />157.524 <br />Community (north) <br />3.0 <br />1.59 <br />13.037 <br />Beach <br />1.5 <br />0.79 <br />57.657 <br />River <br />1.5 <br />0.79 <br />18.654 <br />While all comprehensive plan objectives and policies are important, some have more applicability <br />than others in reviewing plan amendand rezoning requests. Of particular applicability for this <br />request are the following objectives <br />ctives and policies. <br />Future Land Use Element Policy 14.3 requires that one of four criteria be met in order to <br />approve a land use amendment. One of those criteria is that the proposed amendment is <br />warranted based on a substantial change in circumstances affecting the subject property. The <br />proposed land use amendment meets that criterion based on the recent development of more <br />than 2,000,000 square feet of retail, including a regional mall, within the nearby SR 60 <br />corridor. For that reason, the proposed amendment is consistent with Future Land Use <br />Element Policy 143. <br />Future Land Use Element Polity L11 states that the Low -Density Residential land use <br />designations shall be applied to areas which are suitable for urban and suburban scale <br />developmuen, and shall be limited to lands that are located within the urban service area and <br />near existing urian centers. Located within the turban service area, as well as near several <br />activity centers and several major roads, the site meets the policy's criteria for the Low - <br />Density Residential land use designations. For these reasons, the proposed amendment is <br />consistent with Future Land Use Element Policy 1.11. <br />Future Land Use Element Objeuive 4 states that the county will have a land use pattern that <br />reduces the number and length of trips on county roads. Located near several employment <br />centers, the proposed amendment increases the opportunity for people to live new their job, <br />thus reducing the length of their trips to and from work For this reason, the proposed <br />amendment implements Futuro Land Use Element Objective 4. <br />As part of its consistency analysis, staff compared the proposed amendment to all the objectives and <br />policies in the plan and found no conflicts. Therefore, the proposed amendment is consistent with <br />the comprehensive plan. <br />Located within the urban service area, along a major roadway, and trees several activity and <br />employment centers, the site is within one of the fast growing arras in the county. In addition to <br />having no negative impacts on county facilities, the proposed change is consistent with the goals, <br />objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan, <br />Extend the north boundary of the US #1 and 3T' Street HospbtaUCommeruaal Node to 41" <br />Street. <br />Containing *I V-5 acres, this site is depicted: on attachment 4. This proposed amendment is to <br />redesignate the site from M-1, Medimn-Density Residential -1 (up to 8 unitslacre) to CJ1, <br />COMICLOTC18IIIII&IStua The site consists primarily of citrus groves, as does land to the north, across <br />4112 Street Land to the east, across Indian River Boulevard, also contains citrus groves. The site's <br />south boundary abuts the US #1 and 376 Street Hospital/Commercial Node. To the southwest of the <br />area proposed for the land use change is the residentially developed wy_ Geoffrey Subdivision. <br />North ofthat subdivision, the site borders US #1. Across US #1 are some single-family residences <br />on CJI designated land. <br />MARCH 10, 1998 <br />-42- <br />