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n <br />1 <br />Commissioner John X. ,might offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. <br />WHEMAS, the Vero Bridge District and the wusy Bridge District are each located <br />within the some territorial limits within the County of Indian River, and <br />WHERRAS, quay Bridge District is badly in need of immediate regpirs in order that <br />the same may be made safe and passable for the traveling public, but there is not <br />sufficient funds available in the Maintenance Fond of said Bridge District to adequately <br />w <br />and properly made such'necessarq repairs at this time, and <br />tHHMM'S, Vero Bridge District has on hand a balance of more than $2,000.00 in the <br />maintenance fund at this, with no necessity of repairs at the hands of this Board, <br />because the 'State Road Department has taken over said bridge for maintenance, <br />THEREFORE, BE IT. RNS01VED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, that the sum of $2,000.00 be transferred from the Vero Bridge District <br />maintenance fund to the -quay Bridge District maintenance fund, for the purpose of <br />of <br />expiditing the work/necessary repairs to said bridge. "such transfer to be made only <br />.,upon the approval of the Comptroller of Florida. <br />The resolution was duly seconded and upon being put to a vote the same was duly <br />adopted. <br />It was moved, seconded and carried that the Board agree to put forth every effort <br />in securing project and having same approved. for FERA labor to hard surface roads <br />leading to all cemeteries in the County. <br />Several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were approved, <br />and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same. Such bills being on file in the <br />office of the Clerk Circuit Court. The warrants so issued from the respective funds <br />being listed completely in the County Finance Records as provided by law, reference to <br />said record, and the list so recorded, being made a part of these minutes as fully and <br />completely as if the same were set out herein in detail. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then <br />adjourned. <br />FA*V 9 <br />e r K. <br />Ch ai naan <br />I <br />