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r � <br />600K 107 PAGE 347 <br />Director Boling stressed that the applicant had withdrawn the request concerning the <br />additional 4.7 acres and thus staff's recommendation had changed. Of the original <br />conditions, only the bike path condition remains. <br />Commissioner Ginn understood that the 4.7 acres were being taken out and the other <br />acreage was included with the PD, and Director Boling affirmed her understanding, adding <br />that it was the same area covered by the existing approved planned development, so there <br />would be no changes and no expansion of the PD at this time. <br />The Chairman opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to be heard in <br />this matter. There being none, he closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Ginn had a problem with the recommendation in the back up as being <br />the same as what was in the October 6, 1998 recommendation, and Director Boling explained <br />that staff had removed the 2 conditions in the October 6' recommendation that dealt with the <br />addition (4.7 acres) and the only condition that would apply in this instance was one that <br />would apply to the overall project (bike path). <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED BY <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously (4-0, <br />Commissioner Eggert absent) granted special exception PD <br />approval for the proposed PD plan modifications, as <br />recommended in the memorandum. <br />9.C.1. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS - OCTOBER 27. 1998 <br />1. REQUEST BY FIRST CHURCH OF GOD FOR <br />SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPROVAL FOR A PRIMARY AND <br />SECONDA R Y SCHOOL IN CONJUNCTION WITHA PLACE OF <br />WORSHIP AND DAY CARE CENTER uasi-iudiciao <br />2. REQUEST TO ABANDON A PORTION OF 10TH <br />STREETRIGHT-OF-WA YBETWEEN37THA VENUEAND 41ST <br />A VENUE (legislative) <br />October 20, 1998 <br />48 <br />