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ANALYSIS: <br />Subsequent to the October 6, 1998 meeting and consistent with the Board's directive, staff has <br />analyzed the conceptual PD plan modification request without the 4.7 acre addition. The analysis <br />focuses on status of the existing PD, status of the 4.7 acre parcel, and status of the proposed design <br />modifications. <br />• Status of Existing PD <br />By not including the 4.7 acre parcel in the overall Windsor PD, the acreage and density will <br />remain the same as the existing PD plan, at 415.51 acres and .95 units/acre, respectively. <br />The density is based on the 400 units already approved. <br />• Status of 4.7 Acre Parcel <br />If not included in the planned development, the existing 4.7 acre parcel will remain zoned <br />RM -3 and have a maximum density of 3 unitslacre. The developer could request to include <br />the 4.7 acre parcel in the PD at a later date. Any such request would require special <br />exception approval. Under the RM -3 zoning, the present or future owner could develop the <br />Property as multi -family through the site plan process or single-family through the subdivision .. <br />process. Neither the site plan nor the subdivision process require public hearings. <br />• Status of Proposed Modification Without 4.7 Acre Parcel <br />The applicant is requesting two design waivers, both of which are described in the October <br />& staff report under item 11 (attached). One design waiver would be limited to a specific <br />area of the Windsor Village, while the other waiver will allow more sites within the overall <br />PD area to have the types of encroachments already allowed in the village and on the beach <br />site. If the Board approves this application, these waivers will be approved and become part <br />of the conceptual PD. <br />Also, the applicant is requesting a modification to the existing PD that would allow smaller <br />homes on the north and west perimeter of the project. Currently, the PD plan allows standard <br />size lots or multiple -family along these perimeters. The modification is described in item 12 <br />of the October 6' staff report. If this application is approved, this modification will be <br />approved and become part of the conceptual plan. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Based on the above analysis and the Board's directive at the October 691, 1998 meeting for staff to <br />present the proposal without the 4.7 acre parcel, staff recommends that the Board of County <br />Commissioners grant special exception PD approval for the proposed PD plan modifications, subject <br />to the following condition: <br />Prior to issuance of a land development permit for any subsequent PD plan, the applicant <br />shall transfer to the county the responsibility for constructing an 8' wide bike path along the <br />project's west S.R. A 1-A frontage through the standard developers agreement. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1. Agenda item from October 6, 1998 meeting (includes Planning and Zoning Commission and <br />original staff recommendations) <br />October 20, 1998 <br />47 <br />60OK 107 FAE -34 <br />