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BOOK Wl MGE' 1. <br />Indian River County, under the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) has been utilizing fiber optic <br />cable since 1994 for transmission of video, data and voice to various locations. The purpose of this form <br />of connectivity is dependability, to enhance speed of data transmission, versatility of use and over all <br />efficiency of communications. The County now has the start of a fiber optic backbone for a variety of <br />telecommunications applications. <br />There is now an opportunity to participate with the School District and City of Vero Beach in an <br />expansion project that will link the North Indian River County Library with the Main Library, County <br />Administration Building, Courthouse and other locations that are presently on the system. Staff <br />participated in the planning of the expansion of the fiber optic network to meet the County's long term <br />telecommunications needs along with the School District and City requirements for this type <br />connectivity. This joint effort will result in lower costs for all participants and meet the various needs <br />both now and in the future. <br />For identification purposes the long range plans have been categorized into five phases. Attachment A <br />is a schedule of the various phases. Phase I began with connecting the jail, courthouse, and <br />administration building during construction of the new courthouse. It ended with connectivity of the 800 <br />MHZ radio towers with the applicable control points. The City of Vero Beach and School District <br />participated in this phase in regards to the 800 NM radio system and future connection with the <br />Sebastian River High School. Recently, with funding from a grant, the Main Library was connected <br />with the courthouse which allows telecommunications with the present network constructed in Phase <br />I. <br />Phase H of this long range project is designed to connect the North Indian River County Library into the <br />existing backbone with the future opportunity to connect other County operations that are along the route <br />of this cable which includes Fire Station 1 and EMS Station 1. It will also provide redundancy and <br />diversity for trunking of the 800 MHZ radio system along with other telecommunication services This <br />would be a joint venture with the City of Vero Beach and School District to allow connectivity of north <br />county schools and City facilities along the route. <br />The total cost of this Phase 11 is estimated to be $727,000. Under the Board of County Commissioners, <br />the County's share of the total cost is $160,000. These prices are expense for the fiber optic cable <br />backbone only. It does not include cost for electronics and cabling required for each location which will <br />be incurred at time of connection. That cost would be determined by the application for use of the fiber <br />and the expense paid by the owner or user of a facility being connected to the network- <br />Fiber <br />etwork <br />Fiber optic connectivity is the answer to the ever increasing need for diversity and speed of <br />telecommunication between the various County owned facilities. With joint participation of the BCC, <br />City of Vero Beach, and School District the cost to provide fiber optic connectivity and meet the needs <br />would be at a minimum for each entity. <br />In anticipation of some type consortium between the BCC, City of Vero Beach and the School District, <br />staff of the three entities has been working on a written formal agreement that will be presented to the <br />governing bodies for execution. This will be brought to be Board upon completion. <br />Staff has prepared an overview (see Attachment B) which gives a synopsis of the fiber optic network <br />and includes an explanation of how the system will benefit the County. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends the Board approve participation in Phase II of the fiber optic cable backbone at a cost <br />of $160,000 and authorize monies from the one cent sales tax <br />November 3, 1998 <br />24 <br />
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