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Director Davis expressed thanks to Civil Engineer Michelle A. Gentile who worked <br />hard on this project in a short period of time. He added that his department now has <br />vacancies in the Engineering Division. s four (4) <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Ginn, SECONDED <br />BY Commissioner Macht, to approve staff's recommendation <br />(Alternative No. 1.) <br />Under discussion, Chairman Tippin asked Director Davis (and staff) to keep t u th <br />good work and somehow find people to fill the vacancies. He wanted to be certain th e <br />project would be completed in a timely fashion and that the contractor be remindedat the <br />out for the magnolia tree. to watch <br />Director Davis assured Chairman Tiepin that the tree was marked to protect it. He <br />expected that the lanes would be opened to traffic in 120 days and the contractor has another <br />30 days to complete. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the motion <br />carred unanimously (3-0, Commissioner Adams and <br />Commissioner Eggert absent). (Awarded the contract to <br />Dickerson Florida, Inc.; directed the Chairman to execute the <br />agreement on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners; <br />directed that all bonds, insurance certificates and other <br />formalities as required by the terms of the contract and bid <br />documents be submitted and approved by the appropriate staff <br />departments responsible, including the Attorney's office, prior <br />to issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the Department of public <br />Works.) <br />November 3, 1998 <br />CONTRACT ON FILE <br />IN TIM OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />36 <br />