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C. Golf courses shall, to the most reasonable extent, retain and preserve native <br />vegetation over at least thirty (30) percent of the total upland area of the course due <br />to their characteristically high water demand and heavy nutrient loads; <br />Note: Approximately 25 acres of native uplands will be preserved; this equates to 31.87%. <br />d. The golf courses shall be designed so that any lighting is shielded and directed away <br />from residential areas; <br />Note: Any lighting proposed will be directed away from residential areas and be for <br />security only <br />e. Type "B" screening shall be provided between golf maintenance facilities and <br />adjacent residentially designated property within two hundred (200) feet of the golf <br />maintenance facility. <br />Note: A type "B" buffer is provided where the site is within 200' of residentially designated <br />property. <br />15. Environmental Issues: <br />Upland Setaside: Since the project is over 5 acres, the native upland setaside criteria <br />in section 929.05 apply. While the central section of the project is grove, the east and <br />west portions of the development are mostly native upland habitats. The developer <br />is working with the county environmental planning staff on satisfying the upland <br />preservation criteria with a conservation easement. As proposed, the conceptual PD <br />accommodates a conservation area which exceeds the county's requirements, <br />although the location of the actual easement is still under discussion. The easement <br />will need to be dedicated prior to the issuance of a land clearing and tree removal <br />permit. <br />Endangered Species: The developer has prepared a detailed environmental survey <br />which has been submitted to the County U.S. fish and Wildlife Service and the <br />Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. Approximately 16.28 acres in the <br />northeast comer of the site have been identified as habitat of the scrub jay, an <br />endangered species. Scrub jay concerns will need to be addressed by the developer <br />by providing county staff with letters from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and <br />Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission stating that the agencies have no <br />objection to the issuance of a land clearing and tree removal permit for this project <br />As of this time, the agencies have met with the applicant and staff and are <br />formulating an agreement with the developer. Agency letters will need to be <br />submitted to county staff prior to issuance of land clearing permits, and prior to <br />issuance of a land development permit or waiver The plan proposes .64 acres of <br />impact and 1.05 acres of selected clearing, with preservation of the remaining 14.59 <br />acres within the scrub jay habitat area. <br />Wetlands: There are approximately 30.38 acres of wetlands on-site. The majority of <br />the wetlands are located in the southeast comer of the site. The applicant will need <br />to obtain a county wetland resource permit as well as a permit from the St Johns <br />Water Management District (SJWMD) for any impact to the wetlands. The plan <br />proposes to impact 1.44 acres of wetlands, to selectively clear 1.77 acres of wetland <br />and to preserve the remaining 27.17 acres of wetlands. The applicant will need to <br />obtain a county wetlands resource permit and a St Johns River Water Management <br />District permit prior to PD plan release. <br />16. Dedication and Improvements: <br />a. Murphy Act Easement: There is a Murphy Act Easement which affects the subject <br />property along the project's 65* Street frontage. Since the county does not need any <br />additional right-of-way from this site, staff will support release of the easement. The <br />easement must be released prior to issuance of a land development permit or waiver. <br />FEBRUARY 16, 1999 <br />-3 I- BOOK 103FACE ® 5 <br />