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BOOK PAGE <br />Analysis <br />The proposed amendments will make the Wabasso Corridor Plan requirements similar to, but not <br />identical to, the SR 60 Corridor Plan requirements. The task force determined that some of the SR <br />60 plan requirements were not appropriate or necessary in the Wabasso corridor due to the differing <br />characteristics of the two corridors. The following summarizes proposed changes by corridor plan <br />element category. <br />1. Purpose and intent No changes are proposed in this section. <br />2. Boundaries of the Wabasso Corridor The proposed amendment would extend the <br />corridor approximately one-half mile south along US 1 from 81" Street to 7/* Street <br />(see attachment #3). The corridor covers all properties designated <br />Commercial/Industrial. Therefore, staff notified all owners of C/I designated <br />properties from 81 ' Street to the 77' Street/US 1 intersection of the task force <br />workshops at which the proposed corridor expansion would be considered Affected <br />property owners attended and participated in discussions. At the end of the <br />discussions, no affected property owners raised objections to inclusion in the <br />Wabasso Corridor Plan area. <br />3. Specific Development Regulations, The Wabasso Plan regulations will apply to new <br />non-residential and mixed use (residential/commercial) developments. <br />4. Fxerrtptions for Industd 1 and dial Uses, The proposed amendments include the <br />same industrial and special uses exemptions that are contained in the SR 60 plan. <br />Under the amendments, industrial and storage buildings would be exempted from <br />foundation planting and architectural requirements where buildings do not face <br />public roads or residential areas. Also, electrical substations and similar restricted <br />access uses would be exempted from architectural requirements if visually screened. <br />5. Sign Remilations. Most of the SR 60 plan special sign regulations would be included <br />in the Wabasso plan. Some of the SR 60 provisions that will not be included in the <br />Wabasso requirements are: prohibition of appliques and vinyl letters, changeable <br />copy signs, and the 5 year amortization/upgrade of existing nonconforming signs. <br />6. Architectural/Building Standards. Most of the SR 60 plan architectural/building <br />standards would apply in the Wabasso corridor, although the proposed amendments <br />would allow log cabins and asphalt shingles in the Wabasso corridor. The proposed <br />Wabasso regulations also do not include any special fascia requirements. <br />7. Colors and Building Graphics. The Wabasso corridor color and building graphics <br />requirements will be exactly, the same as the SR 60 color and building graphics <br />requirements. . I <br />8. Lightlin& The Wabasso corridor lighting requirements will be exactly the same as <br />the SR 60 lighting requirements. <br />9. Landscapes The SR 60 plan street buffer requirements were based on the Wabasso <br />Corridor Plan standards. The standards will remain identical, while some SR 60 plan <br />wording will be added to the Wabasso plan. The existing Wabasso plan foundation <br />planting requirements will be replaced by the SR 60 plan requirements which require <br />more and taller plantings for taller buildings. <br />April 19, 1999 <br />