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foot lots. It does mean we have to watch the density. She would like to see no greater <br />density in a PD than in traditional zoning. She felt the stormwater management practices do <br />need to be reinforced. Yesterday she was at a PD and their stormwater lake is filing in and <br />is overgrown with weeds. This is a critical issue which will not go away, it must be dealt <br />with. She also felt that Citrus Springs' open space was down to 20% while the mean open <br />space in the County is 40%. That needs to be looked at also. <br />Commissioner Ginn then questioned whether density bonuses were given for the <br />Fairways development, and Director Keating responded that they were not. <br />Commissioner Ginn emphasized that her concerns were density transfers and bonuses <br />and open green space. The main reason she objected to Citrus Springs was that most of it <br />was surrounded by stormwater ponds. She agreed that being notified earlier of the projects <br />would be a welcome opportunity to voice her objections prior to the final public hearing. <br />Director Keating stated that staff will establish a process to notify the Board when a <br />PD application comes in and that the issue of stormwater ponds will be investigated on a <br />County -wide basis. <br />In response to a question by Commissioner Stanbridge regarding the St Johns River <br />Water Management District permits for stormwater ponds, Public Works Director Jim Davis <br />stated that these are usually 5 -year permits, with requirements that the ponds be inspected <br />periodically, depending on the type of pond. <br />After further discussion, CONSENSUS was reached that staff will work on a <br />mechanism to notify the Commissioners when a PD project application is filed. <br />Commissioner Gin commented that she did not want to see any density bonuses being <br />given, and Director Keating responded that they are only allowed with an affordable housing <br />project. <br />OCTOBER 14, 1999 <br />-13- <br />BOOK ill Mut- 1 <br />