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I <br />9001 , , fAU <br />Peter Robinson noted that Orange County first has a meeting run by staff with the <br />public invited to the presentation. <br />Commissioner Adams left the meeting at 10:25 a.m. for a prior appointment. <br />Director Keating felt that a general consensus had been reached that everyone liked <br />the process but wanted more certainty to the project characteristics. Staff needs to know <br />whether the Board does not want 40 to 50 -foot lots at all, or just not in certain land use <br />designations. Are they all right under certain circumstances and not others? <br />In response to a question about any pattern to the denials, Director Boling responded <br />that perhaps the application for 600 new homes in an area where everyone is accustomed to <br />Larger lots could have been the impetus for the denial of the Citrus Springs project. <br />Chairman Macht commented that the objections of neighbors is not always a reason <br />for denial. His own objection to the Citrus Springs project was the location and the <br />illustration of a standard home with overhangs. He had seen several projects in Orange <br />County and felt they were "as ugly as homemade soap". He did not feel they were <br />appropriate for Indian River County. He also noted that these opinions are very subjective <br />and not objective. The PD process is fine and needs little, if any, changes. <br />Commissioner Tippin noted that he had helped give birth to the process and it was a <br />little like "giving breach birth to a porcupine". He did not think the process is broken and <br />was thrilled to hear the Commissioners can sit down with the developers in advance of a final <br />public hearing. He felt the more communication early on the better. <br />Commissioner Grin thanked staff for a very fine presentation. She intended to stand <br />on her platform of low density but that does not mean we cannot have zero lot lines or 50 - <br />OCTOBER 14, 1999 -12 0 <br />- <br />