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1 <br />1 <br />...523 <br />perty in the county of Indian Rivers lyinga and being within the boundaries of 4ecial <br />school District No. 7. the boundaries of which said District being described above in <br />these minutes. <br />to meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption <br />of bonds and time warrents of 'Special TWic school District bo. 8 & 99 and in pursuance of <br />County <br />the requirements of law, and as estimated by the/Board of Public :instructions, it is <br />determined and 7dereby declared that a tag rate of Your and one-half (4*) mills upon the <br />dollar, be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the <br />in the County of Indian diver, lying and being within the boundaries of u -p ecial `tax <br />school District No. 8 &.99 the boundaries of which said District being described above <br />in these minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a singing fund for the ultimate redemption <br />of bonds and time warrants of Sipecial tax school District Ao. Up and in pursuance of <br />the requirements of law, and as estimated by the county board of Public Instructions,it <br />is determined and hereby declared that a tax rete of nineteen one-half (19*) mills upon <br />the dollar, be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1934, on all of the <br />property in the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of 6pecial <br />Tax behool District jNo. 11, the boundaries of which said Di strict being described above <br />in these minutes. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption <br />of bonds and time warrants of special Tax School District no. 149 and in pursuance of <br />the requirements of law, and as estimated by the county board of public Instructions, it <br />is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Five (b) mills upon the dollar be <br />levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the property in <br />the County of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of special lax School <br />District No. 140 the boundaries of which said Di strict being described above in these <br />minutes. <br />Estimates having been made by the board of Commissioners of the 1IMIAN RIVAR <br />Ma -1 UITO U014-'ROL DISTRICT, and a certified Copy of the resolution filed with this board, <br />as required by law, and as estimated by the board of Commissioners, it is determined and <br />hereby declared that a tax rate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is <br />hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the property in the County, of <br />Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of said mosquito Control District, <br />the boundaries of said District being described as the entire County as a whole. <br />Estimates having been made by the bossrd of Commissioners of the NIARID,A INTA1+11D <br />NAVIGATION DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution riled with this Board, as <br />required by law, and as estimated by the said board of Commissioners, it is determined <br />and hereby declared that a tax rate of one and one-half (1*) mills upon the dollar, be <br />levied,. and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the property in <br />the county of Indian Rivers lying and being within the boundaries of said Ylorida Inland <br />Navigation District, the boundaries of said District being described as the entire <br />County as a whole. <br />Estimates having been made by the board of Commissioners of <br />for the ultimate redemptioSt of bonds, notes and .other obligations outstanding, and to— <br />pay interest thereon, when due, and for general repairs and additional work to be done, <br />and a certified copy of the resolution filed with this Boards as required by law, and ,as <br />estimated by the said Board of Commissioners of said Inlet District, it is determined <br />and hereby declared that a tax rate of give (b) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is <br />hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the property in the County of J <br />