<br />Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of said Sebastian inlet Di strict.
<br />Four (4) mills of which shall be used solely for interest payments and create a sinking
<br />fund for the redemption of bonds, notes and other obligations outstanding and une (1)
<br />-mill shall be.used for repairs, maintenance and general work and construction on said
<br />Inlet, as provided by chapter 7976 Acts of 1919.
<br />Bstira,tes having been made by the Board of commissioners of YBIJ UROSS SAT
<br />ROAD DlSTXIUT9 and the said Board having filed a certified copy of the resolution dec-
<br />laring the tax for the necessary expenditures and for the purpose of paging interest,
<br />creating a sinking fund, and for the ultimate redemption of Rost District bonds, it is
<br />determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of pine (`9) mills on the dollar be levied,
<br />and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 19349 on all of the property in the Uounty
<br />of Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of said Fellsmere Uross bt ate Road
<br />District. Bight (8) mills of which shall be used solely for interest and sinking fund,
<br />and One (1) mill shall be used solely for the purposesoauthorized and prescribed by Map -
<br />ter 103730 a ation 15, .Acts of 19259 Laws of Florida. The boundaries of said District
<br />being
<br />described
<br />as follows: Beginning where the water's edge
<br />of the atlantic Ocean irate
<br />sects
<br />the line
<br />between Townships 29 and 30 °South, ren thence
<br />West to iWe st line of Breva
<br />Uounty or to the Borth, -west corner of Township 30 South, Mange 35 Bast, run thence South
<br />following Township lines on the west boundary of Brevard Uounty and ;*t . lu oie county to t.
<br />South-west corner of Township 31 South, Mange 35 East, ruin thence Bast six miles more or
<br />less to the mo rth-west corner of Township 32 South, Range 36 Bast, run thence South six
<br />miles, more or less, to the aouth-west corner of Township 32 South, lunge 36 .Bast, run
<br />Bast ltd miles more or less to the South-east corner of Township 32 South Range 38 .Bast,
<br />ran thence North 6 miles, more or less, to the zouth-west corner of TownshIp :31 South,
<br />Range 39 Bast, run thence Bast to the watery s edge of Atlantic Ocean, thence North meande
<br />Ing said water`s edge to the place of beginning.
<br />.Estimates having. been made by the Board of :bond Trustees, A,`ii7,AbTTO-GULF SPEGIA ROAD
<br />& BRIDGE DIST.HI ;T, and the Trustees having certified, by appripriate resolution, the rate
<br />of millage to be assessed as the amount required to meet interest payments and for the
<br />ultimate redemption of bonds and re -funding bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking
<br />fund,
<br />and in pursuance of the requirements
<br />of
<br />law, it is
<br />determined and
<br />hereby
<br />declared
<br />that
<br />a tax rate of Fifteen (15) mills upon
<br />the
<br />dollar be
<br />levied, and is
<br />hereby
<br />fixed and
<br />assessed for the year 19369 on all of the property in .the county of Indian River, lying
<br />being within the boundaries of said Atlantic -Gulf Special mond & Bridge District, for the
<br />Purpose of paying interest and creating a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of b
<br />and refunding bonds, which boundaries are as follows, to -wit: beginning on the Township
<br />line between Townships 33 and 34 South of lallanassee meridian, and on the shore of the
<br />Atlantic Ocean, run iuest on the Township line between Townships 33 and 34 to the mouth-we4t
<br />corner of township 33 South, Range 36 Aast; thence ioorth between Ranges 3b and 36, to the
<br />South-east corner of Township 32 South, lunge 3b Bast; thence wret between Townships 32
<br />and 33 and on the South boundary of Osceola and St. Facie counties, to the center line of
<br />the Kissimmee River, same being the South-west corner of Osceola Uounty; thence Bio rth-wesi
<br />with the center line of the Yissimmee River and the Bast shore of Lake Kissimmee (said
<br />river and lake being the gest boundary of Osceola Uounty), to the Township line between
<br />Townships 29 and 30 thence Bast on the Township line between Townships 29 and 30 to -the
<br />ivo rth-east .corner of Township 30 South, lunge 34 Bast; thence South between Manges 34 and
<br />35 to the :South-east corner of Township 30 p,south, Range 34 East; thence West to the North.
<br />east corner of Township 31 :South, iiange 34 East; thence South to the Southwest corner of
<br />lerly
<br />Town.ship 31 South, mange 35 Bast; thence East to the Northeast corner of township 32 SoutYi,
<br />1
<br />1
<br />i
<br />1
<br />