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The following resolution respecting re -plat of lands in Winter Beach -was adopteds <br />RRSOWT IO N s <br />CMERA89 J .J.P.Ha.milton a Ruth E awmilton and E.W.Mmilton are the owners in fee <br />simple of the following described real estate situated in Indian rover County, Florida, <br />to -wit: <br />Tract #1. Begin at a point 25 feet worth of the quarter corner stake at th4 <br />South-east corner of the -8w-k of -Section 39 Township 32 south, i%ange 39 East, thence run <br />west 446.1 feet, thence North-westerly 191.6 feet, thence hast 496.57 feet, thence South <br />185 feet to point of beginning. <br />Tract #2. Begin at the South-west corner of the Svc# of the Sftp run East <br />286.6 feet, thence north 210 feet, thence ®est 286.6 feet, thence South 210 feet to point <br />of beginning insection 39 Township 32 South, mange 39 East. <br />Tract #3. Begin 336 feet East of the South-west corner of the SW- of the <br />ST*, ran North 210 feet, Wiest 50 feet, South 210 feet, hast to beginning in zection 3. <br />Township 32 South, Range 39 East. <br />Tract #4. The S* of the W,* of the SW -k of the 'SEt of Section 3, `township 32 <br />South Range 39 East. <br />Tiact #8. The nest 5.6 acres of the worth 10.13 acres of the :,lest 20.27 <br />acres of the Nw-f of the m'ft of section 10 Township 32 :South, Range 39 East, <br />AND VEMAS portions of the above described land have been plated into subdivisions <br />known as Minter Beech Estates and quay Subdivision, and whereas the streets as shown on <br />said plats of subdivisions have never been out through and are not now in use by the <br />County or by any individual, and whereas it is desirable to said owners that said lands <br />be replatted into acreage. <br />1vOW9 THEREFORE, BE I`1' RES01VED by the County commissioners of Indian River county, <br />Florida, that on payment of all outstanding taxes against the above described lands, and <br />upon submission; to this Board of a replat into acreage of said ]adds, that this board wi <br />approve • such replat into acreage of said subdivid6d lands by acceptance and approval of <br />which vacation of the streets heretofore platted will take effect and approval of said <br />replat will be granted by this Board. <br />the following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Knight, who moved its adoptii <br />*HEREAB, the 'State Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of per- <br />sons, firms and corporations offering to sell certain bonds of the County of Indian raver <br />or obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of House Bill No. 30, Acts <br />of the 1933 Legislature, and <br />RHFRF S, after carefully considering the said proposals, and taking into considera- <br />tion the value of said bonds and the imount of funds available for this purpose, it is <br />deemed advisable and expedient to purchase certain of said bonds; <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of County commissioners of Indian River <br />i <br />County, Florida, that the 'State Board of ,administration be requested to purchase the <br />following bonds: <br />One (1) St Lucie County Public highway bond, dated .deb 19 1920 due <br />194896%9 at a price of 55 flat designated OB". <br />Two (2) St Lucie County Public highway bonds, dated Yeb 191920 due <br />1950, 6�Qq at a price of 48 flat, as designated "UQ. <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Vickers, and upon being <br />put to a vote the same was unanimously adopted. <br />wi lliam W. Frick, Sie riff, filed his semi-annual report of fees and commissions <br />received, which is as follows: <br />in: <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />