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REZONING ANALYSIS: <br />The project's 446.50 acres consist mostly of existing citrus groves, but also include 43.79 acres of <br />native upland and 66.10 acres of wetlands. The native uplands exist in three separate areas within <br />the project: those areas are located in the southwest comer, the east central area. and the northwest <br />portion of the project site. The 66.10 acres of wetlands are located on the east side of the subject <br />property and are considered estuarine wetlands. <br />• South of the subject site is the North Relief Canal/Sedimentation Basin. Whisper <br />Lakes golf course which is zoned CG and RM -6; and Grand Harbor's River Club <br />golf course and Harbor area which are zoned RM -6 and CG, respectively. <br />• East of the subject site is the Indian River Lagoon. <br />North of the subject site is 63rd Street and citrus groves zoned RM -3, RS -3, and RS -1. <br />Also, there is a 5 acre "not included" parcel along the site's 63'° Street boundary that <br />is zoned RS -3 and contains a single-family home and citrus trees. This not included <br />parcel is surrounded on three sides by the River Bend project. <br />West. The project's west boundary is irregular. with the project having some US #1 <br />frontage on the north and south ends of its western perimeter. The properties across <br />(west of) US #1 are zoned industrial. IL, with some of the property vacant and some <br />developed as storage or contractors trades buildings. Where the subject project does <br />not extend to US #1, the majority of the property between the project's western <br />boundary and US #1 is zoned RM -3 with a small segment zoned CG. <br />As is standard for PDs, the development will have a minimum 25' setback from all perimeter <br />property lines. <br />•Future Land Use Pattern: The subject site has L-1, C-2. and CA land use designations. <br />South of the subject site, the Whisper Lakes golf course has a C/I. Commercial/Industrial <br />land use designation along US #1 and an M-1, Medium Density (up to 8 units/acre) <br />designation on the remainder. The River Club golf course has an M-1 land use designation. <br />while the Harbor area has a C/I land use designation. <br />East of the subject property is the Indian River Lagoon. <br />West of the subject site. all of the property west of US #1 has a C/I land use designation. The <br />majority of the property east of US #1, lying adjacent to the west perimeter of the subject <br />property has an L-1 designation. with a small portion at the south end of the west perimeter <br />having a CA land use designation. <br />North of the subject site. the upland property has an L-1 designation, while the wetlands have <br />a C-2 designation. This is similar to the subject property. <br />•Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan <br />Rezoning requests are reviewed for consistency with the policies of the comprehensive plan and <br />must also be consistent with the overall designation of land uses as depicted on the Future Land Use <br />Map. Consistency with goals. objectives, and policies is also essential. The goals. objectives and <br />June 20, 2000 <br />64 <br />