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Road Names: The applicant is requesting the use of named roads rather than <br />numbered roads which fit into the county's street number grid system. Staff has <br />denied this request, and the Planning and Zoning Commission has upheld the staff s <br />action. The Board of County Commissioners should also deny this request because <br />the applicant meets none of the section 951 LDR criteria that would exempt the <br />project from using street numbers. These criteria are as follows: <br />(4) Named roads: <br />(a) The requirement of number designations for roads in the <br />unincorporated county shall not apply to named roads established <br />prior to the date of this chapter. <br />(b) All new roads established in the unincorporated county shall be <br />issued a number designation in conformance with the grid pattern as <br />described herein, with the following exceptions: <br />Continuations of existing, named roads (roads with name <br />designations only), or <br />2. Roads on the barrier island, or <br />3. Private roads within a planned development or a private <br />subdivision that do not fit into the county's existing grid <br />system of east -west and north -south roads. <br />At the time of development plan application, staff shall apply these <br />criteria in its review of requests for use of road names. Staff <br />determinations shall be final unless appealed pursuant to the <br />provisions of 951.09(2). <br />The applicant is not continuing a named road pattern, and the project is not on the barrier island. <br />Also, the roads within the subdivision can fit into the county's overall roadway numbering system. <br />Therefore, the applicant should be required to meet the LDR requirements and use the street <br />numbers, such as 21' Avenue and 62n4 Street which have been assigned to the project by planning <br />staff. <br />16. Landscape and Buffering Plan: The conceptual PD plan meets the criteria of Chapter 926 <br />for conceptual PD approval. Detailed landscape plans will be submitted with the preliminary <br />planned developments. The buffering identified on the conceptual plan is acceptable with <br />the upgrade recommended by staff that a Type 'B" buffer with a 6' opaque feature be <br />provided along the south and west sides of the 5 acre out parcel and extend over the southern <br />portion of the out parcel's east property line. This buffering condition is consistent with the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation. Generally, the areas where buffering <br />is needed are limited since the golf course extends along much of the project perimeter and <br />addresses many of the compatibility issues and buffer requirements. <br />*Goff Course Specific Land Use Criteria: Golf courses are subject to the following specific land <br />use criteria which can be waived or modified through the PD process: <br />June 20, 2000 <br />71 <br />BOOK 3 rAuE 75 9 <br />