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C: <br />On January 8, 1998, the Planning and Zoning Commission granted preliminary PD plat/plan <br />approval to construct the fuel sales, carwash, office building, and mini storage facility. The applicant <br />subsequently obtained site plan release and commenced construction of the improvements. The <br />owner KNK Ventures, Inc., through its agent, Mosby & Associates. Inc., is now requesting final <br />plat/plan approval and has submitted the following: <br />1. A PD final plat/plan in conformance with the approved preliminary PD plat/plan. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />All required improvements necessary to serve the buildings have been approved and are controlled <br />through the preliminary PD plat/plan process. All required improvements will be provided by the <br />developer prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building . All applicable <br />requirements regarding final PD platiplan approval have been met. There are no publically dedicated <br />improvements to be constructed as part of this plat. Therefore, no guarantees of publically dedicated <br />improvements are required at this time. Please note that the County Attorney's Office does have <br />minor, non -substantial changes to the plat, which will require an updated graphic (attachment #3) <br />for the record. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Based on the analysis, staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant final <br />approval for the KNK Ventures final PD. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Macht, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Stanbridge, the <br />Board, by a 4-0 vote (Vice Chairman Ginn absent) <br />unanimously, granted final approval for the KNK <br />Ventures final PD/Plat, as recommended by staff. <br />AUGUST 8, 2000 <br />-25- <br />Bk 114 PG 479 <br />• <br />