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8.A. SHERIFF - COPS MORE 98 RENEWAL. #1999CMWX1815 - <br />DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE <br />The Board reviewed a letter of August 1, 2000: <br />��jerif f �• <br />GARY C. WHEELER - INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />..7= .CG=L.O RICl r SHEP-5 ASSZC;A- Ct•. <br />=VEE= NATIONAL 51E---5 ASSCC.ATiON <br />405541st AVENUE VERO BEACH. FLORIDA 32960-1808 PHONE 1561; 569-6700 <br />August 1, 2000 <br />The Honorable Fran B. Adams, Chairman <br />Indian River Board of County Commissioners <br />1840 25th Street <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />RE: COPS MORE 98 RENEWAL #1999CMWX1815 <br />Dear Chairman Adams: <br />The COPS MORE 98 Renewal request has been granted by the Department of Justice for an <br />additional year of funding at the rate of $87,720. As you may recall, this grant helps to defer part <br />of the salaries of four (4) civilian positions that replaced previously held sworn officer positions <br />in the Courthouse and the Civil Unit within the Sheriff's Office allowing the sworn officers to be <br />redeployed to the Uniform Operations Division. <br />The attached acceptance document must be signed by both the Sheriff and the Chairman of the <br />Board of County Commissioners. Therefore, I would ask that you place the acceptance of this <br />grant on your agenda for the August 8, 2000, Board meeting. <br />Should you have any additional questions concerning the grant, feel free to contact me or our <br />grant coordinator, Sandy Shields at 978-6254. <br />Sincerely, <br />Gary C. Wheeler, Sheriff <br />AUGUST 8, 2000 <br />on i14 PG 402 <br />-28- <br />0 0 <br />