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F, <br />Mr. Callan added that it actually covers 21 years of spring training. <br />At Chairman Adams' request, the term Spring Training Home Games (page 213 of <br />the backup)was explained by Mr. Reid and Mr. Callan. That refers to exhibition games <br />when the Dodgers are designated the "home team" but do not play in Vero Beach. There <br />are usually between 10 and 15 games each season. <br />Then Chairman Adams inquired about Section 2.03, Option to Renew, and Mr. Reid <br />explained that in discussions it seemed to make the most sense for the Dodgers to have to <br />initiate a renewal. If a renewal deadline is missed, the County would, in essence, be in the <br />"driver's seat". <br />Chairman Adams' next question concerned Section 3.02(c), and Mr. Callan advised <br />that the term "facility" covered everything. The intent of this paragraph is to include some <br />small items which might be overlooked. <br />Mr. Callan further responded to Chairman Adams' questions concerning disputes on <br />rates for use and capital reserve account usage. <br />Administrator Chandler addressed Chairman Adams' question on the allotted days <br />that the County is able to use the facility and saw an opportunity for the County to generate <br />some income to cover the annual taxes. He explained that is to be determined in the future <br />and the flexibility rests with the County as long as it does not conflict with scheduled games. <br />In discussing the County's use of the facility, Mr. Reid pointed out that the County <br />can ask the Dodgers to provide attendants for parking, concessions, etc., but the County is <br />not obligated to do so. If provided, the Dodgers would provide those services at their cost. <br />Approval by the Dodgers for any County request could not be conditioned on a fee payment. <br />The effects of force majeure were discussed and Mr. Reid explained in detail how <br />losses would be handled. <br />In response to Commissioner Macht, Mr. Callan stated that the "Harvest Festival" <br />September 7, 2000 <br />0 <br />D <br />' , .1 1 <br />.7 <br />