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• <br />More recently, the Board of County Commissioners addressed the issue of clustered residential <br />development in agriculturally designated areas and Agricultural Planned Developments (PDs), nearly <br />all of which occur within one mile of the urban service area At the Board's direction, staff has <br />recently processed a county initiated text amendment to make clustering and Agricultural PDs <br />optional, rather than mandatory, for residential development projects outside the urban service area. <br />That amendment wifl be presented to the Board at its meeting of November 7, 2000. <br />THE 58'�" AVENUE CORRIDOR <br />Since the Clontz property is within the 58`" Avenue corridor, it is helpful to consider the physical <br />characteristics of that area. The circumstances affecting land between the Main Canal and 13t' <br />Street, SW (Kelly Road) along the west side of 58" Avenue are described below. <br />Nearly all land on the west side of 58'" Avenue, south of the Main Canal, is outside the urban service <br />area and designated AG -1, Agricultural -1, on the county's future land use map. The AG -1 <br />designation permits agricultural uses and residential uses with densities up to 1 unit/5 acres. <br />There are only two areas on the west side of 58'" Avenue not designated AG -1. One area consists <br />of L-2, Low -Density Residential -2, designated land between 8`" Street and 4'" Street, while the other <br />area consists of 40 acres of R, Rural Residential, designated land just south of 4`" Street. The L-2 <br />and R designations permit residential uses with densities up to 6 units/acre and 1unit/acre <br />respectively. The east side of 58'" , <br />Avenue is within the urban service area and designated L-1, Low, <br />Density Residential -1, on the county's future land use map. The L-1 designation permits residential <br />uses with densities up to 3 units/acre. <br />Nearly all land on the west side of 58`h Avenue is zoned A-1, Agricultural District (up to 1 unit/5 <br />acres). The exceptions are two approximately 40 acre tracts. One of those tracts is located just south <br />of 8" Street, and the other is located just south of 4' Street. Land uses along the west side of 58'" <br />Avenue include groves and pastures and several institutional uses, such as churches and schools, that <br />are allowed in the A -I district as Special Exception uses. <br />Utility lines for both potable water and sanitary sewer exist within the 58`" Avenue right-of-way. <br />The 110 foot wide right-of-way for the Lateral 'B" Canal runs along the east side of 58'" Avenue. <br />EwimnmeW <br />The dominant environmental characteristic in the south part of the county, west of 58'" Avenue, is <br />a large floodplain that runs, generally, from 10" Street to the St. Lucie County Line. <br />From SR 60 to 9" Street, SW (Oslo Road), 58`" Avenue is classified as an urban minor arterial <br />roadway on the comprehensive plan's Future Roadway Functional Classification Map. The segment <br />eet south of 16`" Street was recently expanded to four lanes <br />from 26`" Street to approximately 200 f <br />and 120 feet of public road right-of-way. The segment from that point to approximately 300 feet <br />October 9, 2000 <br />5 <br />BK 115 PG 360 <br />• <br />J <br />