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1 <br />1 <br />John 4.A. wheeler <br />h. i . .tlaird <br />it vain ordered that said petition be riled,- and Uhas. C. ;Jersey, ho H. A eld and <br />X. T. wird,. ,be. app.oi`IIted a committee to view, mark and lay out the best route ror this <br />road and ,repart to this Board. <br />the Notary public bond of John w. Rto wheeler in the sum of e500.00 with American. <br />Surety ComparW, a corporation, as surety, was approved. <br />Otis :h..Cobb appeared before the Board regarding repairs to office space he is <br />renting Pin the Court house and expense incurred on ' accouant of leaks in his office <br />space. SO def duUte- action Mb `taken. <br />it was ordered that the allowance to e. 2. Johnson, pauper, be increased to 040.09 <br />per month,.- itr being made to appear he -19 totally helpless and suffering from cancers. <br />the following resolution was introduced by commissioner Nudge, who moved its <br />adoption: <br />WHBKEAb,. the Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of firms and <br />egrp®rati®ns to sell to said Board of Administration certain bonds of the County or <br />Indian river, and obligations b,8sumed by said County, under the provisions of house bill <br />NO. 30, acts of the 1933 Legislature, and <br />0191WAS, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and considering the <br />amount of funds available and in the hands of said board for that purpose, and taxing <br />into consideration the approximate value of said bonds, it is deemed advisable to pur- <br />chase certain of said bonds and obligations, to•witt <br />one (1) Rt. Iucie County Public Highway-, bond# dated, -keb <br />1, 1920, due-Yeb 1.,. 1940at b1 designated. "W. <br />One (1) at Lucie County Public Road & Bridge Negotiable <br />Note 'dated -Aug,- ls, 1923 -'due Ang, l_, 1943'j, at 57 -flat as -- <br />designated "Cd. <br />THEREFORE, BE IT HISOLVED, that tine board of Administration. be requested to purclause <br />the foregoing bond and negotiable note in accordance with the teras of the offerings., <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Vickers, and upon being <br />put to a vote the same -tae unanimously adopted. <br />The Clerk announced a sufficient number of A Lucie county Court douse Notes and <br />Interest coupons have been purchased, at a cost of #180300.001, to retire the total <br />indebtedness due at India County, on account or this one item, which total is OU90689909 <br />whereupon it was ordered that the chairman and clerk be authorized to make final settle - <br />meat with the Board of County Coammissioners of ut Lucie County. <br />It appearing there is a surplus of Race Track rinds amounting to ;p4,bb2.60, over <br />and above the budget requirements as set for the year 1934.1935, it was ordered that this <br />balance be distributed as follower <br />Board Public instruotions....;119800.00 <br />-Road & Bridge Fund........... 19252.60 <br />Mothers' Pension Fund........ 40000 <br />Interest foe Kinking Fund...... 300.00 <br />General Revenue - -nd.. • . r .... 800000 <br />4,55 .6 <br />It was further ordered that a bill for gas and oil against the County School Board <br />in the sum of X200.00 be cancelled and the school Board relieved of any further liability.'I <br />it me ordered.mrs Edna, Loudermilk, nebastian, be stricken from the pauper list., <br />The following named widows; hsving filed application to receive aid from the mothers <br />rasion Yand, and the same having been duly considered, it was ordered they be placed on <br />he list to receive the amount indiontedt <br />Edna Loudermilk, 5ebastian......;p10.00 per month <br />Rachel L.uranger, Hero Seach.... 6.00 per month <br />