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MOTION WAS AMENDED by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by <br />Vice Chairman Solari, to adopt the County's proposals as follows: <br />(1) Paragraph 19.01: (a) change "...up to a maximum of twelve (12) shifts <br />or partial shifts of four (4) hours or more and six (6) partial shifts less than <br />four (4) hours each fiscal year..."; (b) add the Chief may provide a carveout <br />for education; (c) add the Firefighters' Fair Chairman may assign up to 70 <br />full or partial standby arrangements each fiscal year; and (d) add the Union <br />President may assign up to 70 full or partial standby arrangements; <br />(2) adopt Paragraph 19.02 unchanged; (3) adopt Paragraph 19.03 <br />unchanged; and (4) adopt Paragraph 19.04 unchanged; all shown in Exhibit <br />L to the County Administrator's recommendation. <br />Paragraph 19.01 now reads as follows: <br />Effective the beginning of the first pay period after Union ratification and <br />County approval of this Agreement, Eemployees may exchange shifts up to <br />a maximum of ten (1.0) twelve (12) shifts or partial shifts of four (4) hours or <br />more and €eun-(4) six (6) partial shifts less than four (4) hours each fiscal <br />year when the change does not interfere with the operations of the Fire <br />Department, and when prior approval is granted at the discretion of the <br />Emergency Services Director or his designee . Each <br />shift or partial shift exchange shall be considered an occurrence. Shift or <br />partial shift exchanges are limited to no more than 3 occurrences <br />consecutively regardless of the fiscal year they would occur. Any leave <br />contemplated under this agreement taken between shift exchanges shall be <br />considered an occurrence towards the 3 consecutive limit, but not towards <br />the fiscal year total, under this section. Chit forms or any other method <br />authorized by the Emergency Services Director shall be used for this <br />purpose. The Chief may provide a carveout for education. The <br />Firefighters' Fair Chairman may assign up to 70 full or partial standby <br />arrangements each fiscal year, and the Union President may assign up to 70 <br />full or partial standby arrangements. <br />Attorney Reingold clarified that there was now only one carveout, whereby <br />the Emergency Services Director may provide a carveout for education. <br />The carveouts for Union business and the Firefighter Fair would now be <br />under "up to 70 full or partial standby arrangements." <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Amended Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />The Chairman called for a break at 7:35 p.m., and reconvened the meeting <br />at 7:44 p.m., with all members present. <br />F. Article 26 — Medical Leave and Disability Leave <br />7:44 <br />p.m. Discussion ensued among the Board and the Attorney's regarding <br />scheduled appointments, sick leave, and medical leave. <br />Impasse Hearing <br />March 20, 2015 Page 16 <br />