<br />7UNSDAY, MAY 5th 1936-
<br />I Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian river county, Florida, met at the
<br />Uourt House in Vero Beach at 10:00 o'clock A. M. iliesday, May bth 19369 with the following
<br />members of the Board present: J .J.r.H=ilton, Chairman; A. E. Budge; Frank C. Vickers;
<br />E. P. Poole and Edwin A. Helseth. .Also present were wm. Frick, sheriff, Chas. A.Bi.tchell,
<br />Attorney, and Biles warren, Clerk.
<br />w. H. Garns, Supervisoring Architect of the new Court House appeared before the Board
<br />with reference to change in kind of brick to be used in the building and submitted samples
<br />of such brick, which were approved by the Board.
<br />The Bond of J. H. Yarker, in the sum of V1,000.00 as Deputy sheriff, with United States
<br />Fidelity & Guaranty Company, a corporation, as surety was approved.
<br />John Blanton appeared before the Board and protested water. being damed up apparently
<br />by the Fellsmere Sugar Company, a corporation, in the western part of the County and advised
<br />the Board that if water was lowered one foot the lands will not then be overflowed. The
<br />Board took no action on this proposition as it is clearly a matter of drainage.
<br />AESULU`i i UA
<br />`rhe following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Helseth, who moved its adopti
<br />WHEREAS, The Board of administration has submitted certain proposals of fines, indivi-
<br />duals and corporations offering to sell to said Board of Administration certain bonds of the
<br />County of Indian Inver and obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of House
<br />Bill No. 30, Acts of the 1933 Legislature, and
<br />WHEREAS, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and taking into considerati
<br />the amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said bonds,
<br />and obligations, it is deemed advisable and expedient to purchase certain of said bonds and
<br />obligations, to -wit: -
<br />One (1) Special X&B Dist f4 bond dated July 1, 1925, due July 1,
<br />1936 at a price of 69 flat as designated offering 114%".
<br />`three (3) special X&B Dist fp4 bonds dated July 1, 1925 due July 1,
<br />1940 at a price of 69 flat as designated offering "B".
<br />Five (5) Special R&B Dist f4 bonds dated 7.1-1925 due 7-1-19339 at
<br />a price of 72, with no past due coupons attached as designated
<br />offering "C',
<br />one (1) St. Lucie County ( now Indian River County) guaaq Bridge Di s -
<br />t riot bond dated Dec 19 1922 due Dec 1, 1934 at a price of 90 ( all
<br />coupons to date having been paid by this Board) as designated
<br />offering *wDO.
<br />Two (2) St. Lucie County Public Highway bonds dated Feb 11 1920 due
<br />Feb 19 1939 beim bonds §241 and 242 at a price of 71 flat, as
<br />designated offering "N".
<br />`1'HSEEFOHE9 BS IT AX6ULVNDj that the Board of Administration be requested to purchase
<br />the foregoing bonds and obligations assumed by this County in accordance with the terms of
<br />the offerings as submitted.
<br />`the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by commissioner Poole, and upon being put -to
<br />a vote the same was unanimously adopted.
<br />J. H. Addison, Federal Inspector in charge of the construction of the new Court House
<br />advised he had selected H. C. k4utting Company, as the testing labatory for testing all sand,
<br />rock and other materials to be used in the construction of the building, which action was
<br />approved by this Board.
<br />The sum of $78.60 was received from commissioner Frank C. Vickers, for refund on ac
<br />of work done in construction of roads in seba.sti€P.n Cemetery. It was ordered this be placed
<br />in the Road & Bridge Fund of the County.
<br />It was ordered that vi. a. Harting pauper, of Oslo precinct be paid the sum of 410.00
<br />per month instead of D6.00 heretofore paid, it being made to appear that he is now almost
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