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1 <br />1 <br />iv <br />1 <br />if <br />�� -----------� TUESDAY' OG10B1aR Eta 1936. <br />�I <br />the Board <br />of County cormissionexe in and <br />for <br />Indian <br />.ver county, <br />irlorida, met at the <br />Court House in <br />Vero iseacn, at 10:00 o'clock A. <br />A. <br />luasday, <br />October stn <br />1936, with the ioilo+n- <br />Ing members or Gras zoard present: Frank u. Vickers; A. R. nudge; R. P. Poole and 7sdwin*�. <br />rielseth. absent, Cnainutu J.J.p.iiamilton. .Also present were aim. Frick, Sheriff; James `i'. <br />Vo celle, attorney and miles jarren, ulerx. Uommissioner xdwin A.Aelseth was duly selected as <br />i hairmau pro -tem of the board. <br />i'he following named pexsons or :lime riled application for license to sell intoxicating <br />liquors, wines and beer, Which ai'ter nave been careully examined, approval was given such <br />(applications, to -wit: <br />R.S. & s.-Id.Knight, ,Vero Beach. <br />telex Baacryilliam a ua G.S.nome, Vero ioeache <br />ifte application of John brnik and Anne :&ekeras for a license to sell intoxicating liquor, <br />was received and after carefully considering the same, on motion made, seconded and carried it <br />was ordered such application be passed over until tae next meeting of she dotard. <br />in response From a request of the Uhaiman of' this hoard of County commissioners Bare. <br />Wbil G. hea xne,' member of the State Social welfare ooara appeared in person. ,also present <br />was hiss Leila h. bUnKley, local -JPA :nurse. the Board inquired as to enaxges riled against. <br />Also .bunxley, and az ter thoroughly discussing the situation and taxing into considerati+o" tree <br />necessity for the Burse in this County, on motion made, seconded and . unanimously carried it <br />was ordered that miss Leila u. Bunkley -be employed as county :curse at a salary of 4108.00 <br />per month. lass bunicley was instructed to show no f aaavor:Ltism as to pnysieiaa,ns practicing in <br />the County. <br />A letter was received and read, from the f merican Legion Auxiliary endorsing the co,ntinu- <br />a ace of the County home Demonstration Agent for the year Oct let 1966 to wept 30ta 1937. the <br />board took no action as this is now a closed ma'i zer and the new budget year is already "t haude <br />.g; petition was received signed by i 6teWait and others requesting an appropriation <br />for assistance in connection with time exhibit at the Great Luxes kxposition. On motion made, <br />seconded and carried it was ordered that the sum of X450.00 be appropriated out of the General <br />Revenue Fund to assist in financing this exhibit. <br />G. llunberg, appeared before the Board with reverence to road leading from highway <br />to his place. rhe Board agreed to see the Road mperintendent and try and have this road <br />repaired. <br />'rhe following resolution was introduced by Commissioner mudge, which was seconded by <br />Comte. ssioner Po ole, and unanimously adopted: <br />wHIMEA69 the bo and of County Commissioners has the duty of authorizing all ex- <br />penditures and approving 'all bills for County purposes; <br />`rHSAWFURH, 13 W i t RkbOLV!W by the iso and of County Commissioners of in di an River <br />unty, Yl orida, that hereafter and beginning this day the hoard will approve no bills f o r <br />aterial nor for work on roads and bridges or otherwise until the purchase of the said material <br />nd the doing of said wore snall have first been submitted in detail to and authorized by the <br />o ard. <br />ASUULU:a IUA, <br />The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Vickers, who moved its adoption: <br />wi 89 the state isoard of Aaminiszration has submitted certain proposals of indiviauais, <br />ixms and corporations to sell to said board of ,administration certain bonds of Indian River <br />unty, and obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of house Dill No. .30, <br />is of the 1933 Legislature, and <br />eHEMAS, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and taking into consideration <br />amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said bonds quad <br />bligations, , it is deemed advisable and expedient to purchase certain of said bonds and <br />