<br />>ibligations, to -wit:
<br />J
<br />Two (2) peci"l load & bridge Hist m49 6% bonds dates duly 1,192b,
<br />due duly 1, 1w6u, at a price of 87 flat, less 4p-12U.UU for missing
<br />coupons, masking a -uai:al of 0150.00 for each bond, as designated
<br />offering uAll.
<br />three (b) pecial kioaad. & bridge List It4, eya bonds, datea duly 1,s02b
<br />due duly 11 19a6, at: a price of Sts -no couponaassaa designated AI
<br />offering �s .
<br />Une (1) St Lucie county kublic bo ad Via: bridge begotiaa,ble Note 9dated
<br />Feb 2UIL 19201 due r'e b 20, 1937 , at a price of tea flat, as desig-
<br />nated ollering •
<br />tlXaI'GRPh, nh iT RWSULVjjW, by the iso d of county uommi ss ioners' that the 6z ate �board of
<br />Administration be requested to purchase ail of the securities listed aabove at the price quoted,',
<br />The resolution was duly seconded by uommissioner Nudge and upon being put to a vete the
<br />same was unanimously >aaopted.
<br />Troy No Moody, lux collector, filed his semi -al stat
<br />semi -annul ement of -tees and comissions
<br />collected for the period daa,nuary lst 1966 to dune 30th 19469 which is as 17011Ows:
<br />:from State, commi ss ions...... • 4 0 0 9 . • • 4 388.04
<br />1944 xo ll,uounty and Special Di sts.... 32.29
<br />1935 Koll,uounty and speoial Lists.... 1522.32
<br />Automobile tags ....................... 4U6.70
<br />iura�,ina grs�mi.
<br />e uistrict cossions.. w •..... 193.47
<br />1 U T A L...:.....;p2b40.0
<br />L Xr h a Sly S.
<br />tialariesp ars fio ward, also kyme r !sc
<br />miss664.-OU
<br />burety bonds•••••••••••••••••.••••••••.. 118.OU
<br />uar expense; express charges; auto
<br />trig expenase..... • . • . •. so** soo• .... • • . • 23'x. US
<br />Ii U T A L .... • .. • 0 V 19 . l7
<br />AWT IAUU".sees* ........ • .01621.20
<br />which said statement wt4s duly sworn to and subscribed before Miles warren, ulerg Circuit court,
<br />o n September 12th lv66.
<br />Y. U. P ppell, .rt. Pierce, appeared and exhibited proposed statures for erection in
<br />cemeteries, suggesting that such a, one might be erected in the winter beacu cemetery and revues
<br />donation from the county for that purpose. mo action was taken.
<br />The Board instructed the Clerk to request tae :3eauutiiicaa,tion Uomnittee of ve vo 13ea-kch to
<br />include in their program during imcetnber 1936 tax work on the court house grounds.
<br />It was ordered Mrs ksther braaaswell, Sebastian, be placed on the pauper list to receive
<br />the saint of §5.00 per month until the further orders of the board•
<br />i. A. .S-tewaart, representing tae indian Aiver :pond a`5a: investuent uo., appeared before the
<br />f
<br />1
<br />;bo azd and made an of ler to purchase from the Uounty. uommissioner s past due interest coupons
<br />attached to bonds, purchased as an investment of the county, at .a basis of 4U cents on the
<br />dollar, with the understanding such coupons sholl be used only to pay up delinquent taxes on
<br />a basis of 6b cents on the dollar, and with the further understanding no demand will be mdse
<br />on indiaa,n Kiver county for the paayment of such coupons at par. ihe Board took the .proposal.
<br />under consideration, and hawing ascertained the amount of unpaid approved bills on file, and
<br />in order that such accounts be settled as soon as possible such propoasal was accepted -by trae
<br />Board, and the Clerk instructed and directed to malice sale of such coupons is whatever amount
<br />ia&r. Stewart cared to purchaa,ises it was ordered that avid & bridge aegotiable Aote fl? issue
<br />of 1924 be exchanged for Public xighway bond #6a2 due Yeb 1, 19430 it appearing that there will
<br />be 0390.UU accumulated interest on such bond.
<br />proposal was received from L.K..Uominici, irellemere, to pay up delinquent taxes on laauas
<br />in the ke llsmere area, for the timber thereon. the board agreed to this proposal, provided, of
<br />bourse if M,r. vominici iaas the consent of the owned of the land to gUt and removest the timber
<br />therefrom, and the taxes be paid before the timber is removed.
<br />Dr. P. To ReClellunX and Lr.. u. is. Mathis appeared berore tom board and objected to Ri as
<br />Le ila, k . 8unkley being named as Uounty burse. no action was taken,
<br />s
<br />