<br />RE30LUTION.
<br />M� The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner. Poole, who moved its adoption:
<br />IN,/AlHE1MAS9 the State Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of individuals
<br />firms and corporations to sell to said Board of Administration certain bonds of Indian River
<br />County, and obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of House Bill No. 309
<br />Acts of the 1933 Legislature; and
<br />WHEREAS, after carefully considering all of such proposals, and taking into consideration
<br />the amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said bonds and
<br />obligations, it is deemed advisable and expedient to purchase certain of said bonds and
<br />obligations, to -wit:
<br />One (1) Special R&B Dist #4 Bond dated July 1, 1925 due July 1, 1933
<br />at a price of 88j - no coupons attached- as designated offering "A"
<br />One (1) St, -Lucie County Road & Dock 5f bond, dated June 1, 1910 due
<br />June 1, 1940 at a price of 84* flat, as designated offering "F".
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners that the State Board of
<br />Administration be requested to purchase all of the securities listed above at the price
<br />quoted.
<br />The resolution was duly - seconded by Commi ss io ner Vickers, and upon being put to a vote
<br />the same was unanimously adopted.
<br />It was ordered that the Board of County Commissioners be paid the usual witness fee in
<br />the case of State of Florida -vs- Johnny Smith, charged with murder, as each member of the
<br />Board was duly summoned by the Circuit Judge to appear on the matter of challenge to the
<br />array of jurors drawn.
<br />It was ordered that the following named persons be placed on the pauper list to receive
<br />the amount indicated:
<br />Manuel Bain ( Col) Sebastian, $8.00 per month
<br />Sarah Padgett, Vero Beach .... $8.00 per month
<br />In compliance with resolution heretofore adopted by this Board, Chas Kersey, County Road
<br />Superintendent, filed a general inventory or list of all tools, supplies, equipment, motors
<br />and etc owned by the County and used by the Road department.
<br />The minutes of the Board of August 4th, and 7th 1936, and September lst and 30th, and
<br />October 6th, 14th and 15th 19369 were read and approved as read.
<br />Commissioners Poole introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to -wit:
<br />1herees, The County of Indian River by the Board of County Comissioners of Indian Biver
<br />County, Florida did under date of February 17, 1936 enter into a contract with Im. Hensick of
<br />Nero Beach, Florida, whereby the said Via. Hensiok was and is to furnish all materials and
<br />all labor for the construction of a two story fireproof County Court House for Indian River
<br />County, Florida at and for the total suet of $65,150.00 as provided in said contract; that the
<br />construction of said County Court House was under and by virtue of assistance rendered througb
<br />the Federal Emergency Administration of ?public 'Forks, being Project and docket Nov 4050 R of
<br />said Public Works Administration and the said contract for the construction of said County
<br />court Hoge being approved by Zones E. Cotton, toting State Director PWA Flori de under data
<br />of March 27, 1936; and
<br />Whereas, said contract for the construction of said County Court House provides that ti
<br />f
<br />saidfoontrnotor shall com*etethe said worm within two hundred axd forty consecutive calen-
<br />dar days after the commencement date set by said County of Indian River, Florida as provided
<br />in said contract; end,
<br />Whereas, such time for the completion of }said work as provided by said contract expires
<br />on the 2nd day of December, 1936, and said contractor, In. Hensick, having in writing ad-
<br />vised the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida that additional time
<br />1
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