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1 <br />1 <br />7:77 <br />In necessary for the completions of said Court House as provided in sold contract by reason of <br />weather conditions and delays occasioned by receiving materials and securing labor and hes by <br />such writing requested of the said Board of County Comalselowre of Indiaam River County, <br />Florida an extension of time for the completion of weld building in accordance with said <br />COntr&Ot to February 1, 1931; and, <br />Whereas, the Board of County Co mmissloners of Indian River County have investigated the <br />facts set out in said request for such extension and being of than opinion that the granting <br />Of such extension is proper and reasonable and just; therefore, <br />Be It Resolved that the Board of County ComissionerS of Indian River County, Floride, <br />on behalf of the County of Indian River, do hereby agree with the said lb! Hensiok, con- <br />tractor in the contract berelabaefore described, that the time within *ioh the sae id contractor <br />shall complete the teak provided under and by virtue of said contract be and, it 1s herewith <br />extended to the 1st day of Februarys, 193T and that no penalties or liquidated damages for <br />time used for the completion of said project in excess of the originaal specified period shall <br />be demnded by said County of Indianan River of the odd atm, Henslok, contractor, except for <br />such period as may be required for the completion of said project in accordance with said <br />contract on and after February 1, 1937 and provided that the covenants and oonditons of sated <br />contract shall ruin in fall force and effect as therein set out excepting only for the <br />extension of completion time of said project as herewith specifically provided; aamd further <br />provided that the extension grafted by virtue of this resolution shall not be effective until <br />the granting of such extension shed be approved by the Public Works Administration of the <br />Federal Govermaeut having charge GW supervision of the carrying out of said contract and tbe, <br />construction of said project. <br />Bext Further Resolved that the officials of the Board of County Comissiomrs of <br />Indian River County, Florida and of the County of Indian River be herewith authorised to <br />execute in the name of said Board of County Commissioners and of said County any and an <br />Instruments and do any and all acts, Including the affixing of the official seal of said <br />Board, and of said County, in order to carry out the provisions of this raesolution. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being seconded by Coamissioner Viclars <br />and the wane being put to roll call, the resolution was adopted by the fallowing vaster <br />Ayes: COMMISsIoners EmIlton, Mudge, Vlokera, Helseth and Poole, <br />Rays a Rohe. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County having been audited, were examined, <br />and found correct, were approved and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same. much <br />bills and accounts beirg on file in the office of the Clerk Circuit Court. The warrants <br />so issued from the respective funds being listed completely in the supplemental minute <br />book, reference to said record and the list so recorded being made a part of these minutes <br />as fully and completely as if the same were set out herein in detail. <br />The County depository filed its monthly report of receipts and disbursements of the <br />various funds, which having been audited was found to be correct. <br />-`hese Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted the meeting was adjourned. <br />ATTEST: Chai man <br />1 r k. <br />