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84 <br />The`B6ard of Cou ity'ComiUbb .onere 'in and for lild'ian. River County, Florida, met" at the <br />Court House in Vero Beach, at 10;00 o'clock A.M. Tuesday, January 5th. 19379 with the <br />following members of the Board present; E.P.Poole, R.E.M dge, Edwin A. Helsetih, S.E.Glover <br />and Fronk C. Vickers. Also present were Willi—am Frick, Sheriff, Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney, <br />James T. Vocelle Attorney and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />On motion made by S.E.Glover and seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried R.E.Mudge <br />was unanimously seleatited as Chairman of the Board for the year 1937. <br />On motion made by Edwin A. Helseth and seconded by S.3.Glover the firm of Voce lle and <br />per, ftibnth <br />Mitchell be employed as Attorney for this Board at a salary of $ 75. /to cover all fees# <br />compensation and expenses,excepting only actual traveling expenses when sent outside the <br />9th. Judicial Circuit by the Baarct. The motion was unrmimou4y adopted. <br />It WK -6 m6fe-d `by 8'63. Glover and seconded by_ E.P.Poole that the salary . of 'Douglas Bake r' <br />Clerk of the Circ#tr'Coutt,'aa Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners be fixed at 10000 <br />per mpnth. The motion was unanimously adopted.: <br />It was moved by S.E. Glover and seconded by Frank C. Vickers that the Road Superintende <br />be selected in executive session. The motion was unanimously adopted. Frank A. Knight was <br />selected Road 'Superintendent. In open session it was moved by S.E.Glover and seconded by <br />E.P.Ibole that Frank .A. Knight be appointed. The appointment was made uwimouslo. <br />It was moved -by Edwin A. Helseth and seconded by Fraalnk C. Vickers that the salary <br />of Frank &. Knight, Road Superintendent, 'be fixed at $100.00 per month. The motion was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />It <br />was moved by E.P.Poole and seconded by S.E.Glover that Frank Behler be employed as <br />Janitor at a, salary to be fixed when moved into the New Court House. The motion was unan- <br />imously adopted* <br />and carried <br />It was moved by Frank C. Vickers and seconded by Edwin A. Helseth/that E.P.Poole <br />be appointed to a6ft er with City Authorities regarding the basis or terms on which they <br />would be willing to co-operate with this Board, with reference to care of the New Court <br />House Grounds* <br />and unanimously carried <br />On motion made by E.P.Poole and seconded by Edwin A. Helseth,/Commissioner S.E.Glover, <br />who had been elected at the election of November 3rd. 1936 and representing Districh. No. 49 <br />was given , the authority to appoint the Minter Beach Bridge Tender, Commissioner S.E.Glover <br />appointed C .Z.Ande rson as Wi me r Beach Bridge Tende r. <br />On motion made by S.E.Glover and seconded by Edwin A. Helseth, C.E..Anderson was <br />appointed Minter Beach Bridge Tender at a salary fixed at $60.00 per month. The motion was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />Mrs Edna. Loudermilk appeared before the Board and asked for a -s aistance in moving her <br />household furnishings to Sebastian, Fla. Frank A. Knight, Road Superintendent, was instructed <br />to move said furnishings belonging to Mrs Edna Loudermilk to Sebastian, Fla., <br />_y. <br />On motion made by E.P.Poole, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and unanimously carried <br />Frank A. Knight, Road Superintendent, waa requested to make surveys of all roads and bridges <br />in each district and report to this Board. <br />kA . <br />It was requested that the Vero Beach -Press Journal submit cost to.. pubiish the minutes <br />of the Commissioners meetings should they deem it advisable to ato so. R. <br />It was ordered that Mrs J.D.Carter, minter Beach, Flaw, be -placed -an pa` ' r f Poor Mothe3 <br />list to receive the :gum of $10.00 per month and that further investigation w �1d be made by <br />Commissioner 5 Z,Glover regarding her case. The motion was mad@40 <br />Y S. -.G].o seconde;d' by <br />' n <br />E .P.Po ole and unnnimoulsly carried. <br />It was ordered that Mrs Mary Gore, Fellsmere Flo,., be stricken from the paupers' list. <br />It was ordered that Mrs Daisy Barker, Wabasso, Fla,., be stricken from the paupers' <br />La s she ib now employed. <br />_— -- <br />I. <br />1 <br />
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