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1 <br />L_ <br />89 <br />Be It resolved that the Board of County Commissioners for Indian River County, <br />Florida does herewith extend its thanks -€end appreciation to Thr Herman for his cooperation <br />and assistance as aforesaid and does express its regret on his being transferred to other <br />projects at this time. <br />Be it further resolved that a certified copy of this resolution be fomarded to fir. <br />He rrman and a certified copy thereof be forrded to Honorable James E. Cottoforwarded Acting <br />Director, Public Works .Administration for Florida. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded it vias declared <br />adopted upon the following vote: Ayes: Mudge, Helseth, Poole, Glover and Vickers. <br />Nays: Done. <br />There <br />being <br />no further business <br />on motion <br />made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />adjourned to <br />meat <br />on Wednesda_r,,Janua-ry <br />27.t14 1937 <br />at 10;00 o'clock A.M. <br />A <br />1 r, <br />C 1 e rk. <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />„V D, DBk A LARNEUMARY 27th: U37. <br />The Board of County GoMissioners of Indian Raver County, Flozida not in regutlar <br />adjourned session at the hour of 10,. 00 o'clock A* fid, Anuary 37, 1937 in the Court House in <br />Vero Beach, Flori de # - Present were R. B. Mudge, Chairman, and F. C. Viohers, Be P• Pole# and <br />3., members, Alm present war® Clerk of the Cire"t Court Douglas Paper, Sheriff <br />:William Frick and Attorney ;Groes T. Vlovellei <br />to -11t: <br />Comm issioftr Poole introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, <br />'tereas, Indian River County, Florida, by Its Board of County Casu4seioners did, <br />under date of February 17, 19136, eater into a contract with Bm, Rejuslok of Vere Beach, Florida <br />for the construction of a tw* story fireproof County Court House at azd for the num of <br />865,1506009 being PWA project No,, 4020 R; and <br />Whereas, the oontraotor is about to couplete the said aODmtrAaot; and <br />whereas, the lease On the present quartos for the temporary Court House of said <br />County has expired; and <br />whereas, it in the desire of the Board Of County Qo ;isaioners to nerve into the <br />newly constructed Court House at the earliest possible moment owing to the expiration or its <br />lease and the danger or fire to its records in the present buildg; axed <br />whereas, the County has sufficient furniture and equipment to occupy the new <br />Court House buildixlg; therefare, <br />Be It Resolved by the Board of County Ca szloners or Indian River County that <br />request be, and the same i+s, herpby made of the Public Works Adan stratlan for permission to <br />move into the newly constructed Court House ismaediately upon Its acceptance ;from the con- <br />tractor by the County, <br />The ftregoing resolution was duly seconded and upon being put to vote was unanipw <br />mously adapted as follows: <br />Ayes: wage, Poole, Clever and Vickers, <br />Nays: long <br />