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ion <br />Commissioner E. P. Poole moved that the acceptance by the Board of County Commiss- <br />ioners under date of lurch 2nd. 1937 of the bid of the Pqlm Beach typewriter Company for <br />furnishing of pews for Indian River County Court House be modified and supplemented in that <br />the same shall be of j sawed Gum Wood rather than Birch wood and that the same be fitted with <br />Brass or Bronz shoes for the ends of such pews and that the pews be fitted with one division <br />support with the understanding that the County shall receive from the makers of such pews an <br />unqualified guarantee against sagging of the pews and that the County shall pay to the Palm <br />Begch Typewriter Company, West Palm Beach, Fla., the sum of $20.00 additional on said con- <br />tract price; That this modification is made upon proposal of Palm Beach Typewriter Company. <br />The metion was duly seconded by commissioner S. E. Glover and upon being put to a <br />vote the same was unanimously tidied. <br />Upon motion made by E. P. Poole seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried Mr Wm. <br />Hensick was employed to furnish cement mixer and supervise the construction of cement walks <br />to the New Court House and the County to furnish the fhaterial and such labor as might be nec- <br />essary. It was agreed by the Board that said cement walks should be flared on each end and the <br />width of each should be as follows; East and.North cement walks to be 6 feet wide and the West <br />and South cement walks to be 4 feet wide. <br />It was ordered that Commissioner E. P. Poole be a committee of one to decide about <br />the proposed curb in the alley to the west of the Court Rouse. <br />and Indian River Co. <br />The Bond of C. S. Michael, as Deputy Sheriff in and for Wabasso/ Fla.' in the sum <br />of $1000.00 with N. B. Ryall and S. D. Gaines, as sureties was approved. <br />and Indian River Co. <br />The'Bond of B. K. Kersey, as Deputy Sheriff in and for Wabasso/ Fla., in the sum of <br />$1000.00 with T.: 0. Williams and L. J. Dukes, as sureties was approved. <br />It was ordered that the Executors of Estate of P. K. Shaner, deceased be paid $500. <br />( 4 months rent at $125.00 per month) less 1/3 of all the taxes that were paid on the old. <br />House property for the year 1931, as soon as funds are avaivable from the General Fund. <br />On motion made by E. P. Poole , seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried it was <br />ordered that the County Employees, under the supervision of the Road Superintendent Frank C. <br />Knight, move the County furniture and or equpiment from.. the Old Court House to the New Court <br />House and said moving to begin March 12th. 1937. <br />It was moved by Frank C. Vickers seconded by E. P. Poole and carried that the <br />plans as to the location of the various offices in the new Court House would remain the same <br />untill the further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered that the Clerk prepare the proper lesolution transferring funds from <br />the Outstanding Indebtedness Fund to the General Fund in order that William Hensick, <br />might be paid the sum of $825.04 said sum representing the amount due Mr Hensick on periodic <br />estimate for partial payment No.. 10 dated February 3, 1937 on Docket 4020-R Indian River Co. <br />adoptionot <br />B.&SOL TTION <br />Commissioner E. P, Poole introduced the followiag resolution amd mowed its <br />VOMRFAS there is a balance in the Outstanding Indebtedness Fund of 02876,027 and a <br />balance of $458.08 in the Genera. Fuad, funds under the control of this Boards ands <br />1HERW, date to the heavy demand that haus been made upon the General F=d of this <br />County to most current and extraordinary expenditures; <br />THzWolM9 BE IT R ojNzD, that, tho sum of 00 }.00 be transferred from the Out- <br />standing Indebtedness Fund to the General Funds upon the approval of the State 00mptro3lers <br />to assist in meeting the current and extraordinary expenses of the County. <br />Upon belng put to a vote the same was unanimously adopted+ <br />1 <br />