<br />1
<br />wit:
<br />Commissioner Poole introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to -
<br />Whereas, Vii, H. Darns architect and represev ative of Indian River Gounty, Flwida
<br />in the matter of construction of two story County Court House at Vero ;Beach, Florida, known
<br />as Public works Administratlan pro ject ' Ho. 4020-R has in vriting certified to the completion
<br />and acceptance of the said building under date of March 9, 1937; tberefo2e,
<br />Be It Resolved that the Board of County Gommisslonern of Indian River County,
<br />Florida, on behalf of Bald County, do hereby accept the &aid building,
<br />The motion for the adoption or the resolution being duly secandad by Cous:isafoner
<br />Vickers, the s=e was declared adopted by the following vote;:
<br />Ayes: Comnissionars Midge, Vickers, Glover, Poole and Se2aeth.
<br />lays: None,
<br />there being no farther business, on motion =do, scoonded and ea=1ed, the Board then
<br />adjourned#
<br />C l e r k.
<br />— — — — —. — — — — — — ..
<br />�' 1 + •
<br />i ii: s
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met
<br />at the Court House in Vero Beach at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, April 6th. 1937, with
<br />the following members of the Board present: R. E. budge, Chairman: Edwin A. He�seth,
<br />Frank C. V ickers, E. P. Poole and S. E. Glover. Also present were Wm. Frick, Sheriff,
<br />Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of March 2nd., 4th., and 11th., were read and approved.
<br />In motion made by S. E. Glover seconded by Edwin A. Helseth and__Garried the Board
<br />Ratified the acts of Commissioners, R. E. Mudge, E. P. Poole and Frank C. Vickers who
<br />attented a special call meeting of the County Commissioners of Indian River, Broward,
<br />Brevard, Martin, Osceola,, St. Lucie and Okeechobee Counties, held in the Court House at
<br />Ft. Pierce, Fla. at 1:00 o'clock P. M. on the 25th. day of March, A. D. 1937, to consider
<br />proposed legislation to be taken up at the State Convention of County Commissioners in St.
<br />Petersburg and presented at the coming session of the Legislature and that said Commiss-
<br />ioners be paid one day and mileage for attenting said meeting.
<br />Mr Bob Edsall appeared before the Board with reference to four feet of culvert pipe
<br />which was due him on a former purcahse from the County on or about September,1936. Frank
<br />A. Knight, Road Superintendent, was instructed to deliver and or put in sa id pipe for
<br />Mr Edsall.
<br />Mr J. W. McFarland appeared before the Board with reference to Venetian Blinds
<br />for the Court House and submitted a price of 42¢ per square foot for the wood blinds and a
<br />price pf 59¢ per square foot for metal blinds. No action was taken.
<br />Mr Frank J. Link, District Manager of the Wholesale Division, of the Art Metal
<br />Construction Company was authorized to prepare plans and specifications on steel equipment
<br />and also on chairs and or furniture for the New Court House in order that the Board might
<br />re -advertise for bids on said equipment and furniture.
<br />Mrs Frank Rosbottom, Chairman of the County planning Board appeared and requested
<br />that some action be taken with reference to.some rdad projects. It was reported that a prio rl
<br />project had been turned down because of insufficent time to complete same and it was ordered
<br />