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104 <br />that this project be turned aver to Miss Struve, of the local P. W. A. Office for division <br />and to be submitted again for Wither consideration by the proper authorities. <br />Mr J. B. Buky of Ft. Pierce, Fla.. appeared before the Board and requested a room in the <br />Court House to be used in connection with the Sewing Department of the P. W. A. with reference <br />to the Distribution of Clothing in Indian River County, and stated was very essential <br />that the.Department obtain a suitable and safe place to.keep said clothing. This request was <br />granted by the Board.« <br />Mrs Fronia Barker appeared before the Board and requested the use of the canning and <br />cooking equipment to be used on a project sponsored by the State Federation of Womens Club <br />on canning and preserving. Mrs Barker assured the Board that the equipment would be..under her <br />personal supervision. This requeet.was granted by the Board. <br />Mr William Hensick, Contractor of the New Court House, appeared before the Board.and <br />stated that he would remedy and look after all leaks in the .building. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse, appeared before .the Board and made a verbal report <br />of her activities for the month of March1937. She reported on the cases of Mrs Horton and <br />Mrs J. B. McNeal both of Minter Beach. She also urged the Board to take some action in re- <br />questing -the Florida -Legislature to make an appropriation on which:Counties sending patients <br />to the Sanitarium,located in Orange County, may draw.for.part of the financial care of the <br />Tubercular individuals. She presented a statement from Dr. E. B. Hardee for professional <br />services,rendered Mrs Annie Horton Minter Beach, Fla., in the -amount of $250.00 and stated <br />that Dr. Hardee did not expect the Board to pay the full amount but would appreciate their <br />consideration in the payment of same. On.motion made by E. P. Poole seconded by S. E. Glover <br />and carried it was ordered that Dr. Hardee be paid $75.00 for professional services rendered <br />Mrs Annie Horton. <br />Attorney, C. P. Diamond appeared before the Board representing Mr Knox Thompson. Mr <br />Diamond stated that Mr Thompson had submitted a statement for lumber and or material in the <br />sum of approximately $2500..00 , said statement ofmaterialsdated back to December 1935 up to <br />and including December 1936, and since no action had been taken by the Board he wanted to get <br />the Board's point of view in the matter. On motion made by E. P. Poole seconded by S. E. G <br />and carried the matter was referred to Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, for inves- <br />tigation and requested that he confer with Mr Diamond and report to the Board. <br />Mr Elmer Danberg appeared before the Board with reference to having road repairedithat <br />runs along south line of his property. No action was taken. <br />Mr Joe Krebs appeared before the Board with reference to a road that.had been closed <br />in connection with Mr Mitchell,. Attorney for the Board, advised Mr Krebs that <br />it. <br />his problem was one for the Courts to decide and that the Commissioners could do nothing about <br />Mr Spencer of Gainesville, Fla..appeared the Board and renewed his former request for <br />a County Agent for Indian River County. No Action Was taken. <br />Mr A. A. Sullivan, representing the Indian River Citrus Bank, appeared before the Board <br />beim designated <br />and reported that the Bank was interested in/the County Depository and would put up Government <br />bonds to secure all County funds in excess of $5000.00 for each County account and that each <br />account was insured by The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. for $5000. <br />Mr Sullivan was advised that the Board would consider his Bank as a County Depository on or <br />about June next. <br />Mrs Toohey, representing the P. W. A. Sewing Department, appeared before the Board and <br />requested that a suitable glance be rented for their department. Mr E. P. Poole was appointed <br />as a committee of one to make such arrangements. <br />It was moved by Frank C. Vickers seconded by Edwin A. Helseth and carried that the salar; <br />of Frank Behler, Janitor of the Court House, -be fixed at $60.00 per month to become effective <br />March lst. 1937. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />