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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:20:49 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:43:09 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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riga <br />That subsequent to October 1, 1936 and to this date there has been expended from <br />said fund on account of pro rata debt, St. Lucie County, the total sum of $4050..00 leaving to <br />be expended from said fund for said purpose a balance of 0950.00; <br />That there has been expended to account of Tax Assessor and Tax Collector from <br />said fund from October 1, 1936 to this date, the sum of $67.17, leaving the sum yet to be <br />expended for said purpose as per said budget of 9332.83; <br />That there has been expended for interest on said Court House bonds from October <br />1, 1936 to this date, the sum of $770.00, which, deducted from the sum of $41#0,00 required to <br />be provided for interest and sinking fund of said Court House bonds for the year 1936, leaves <br />an unexpended balance of $3370,00; <br />That the sum required under and by virtue of said budget and by virtue of the <br />resolution authorizing the issuance of said Court House bonds yet to be expended or to be held <br />in said fund as an interest and sinking fund is the total of said $950.00, plus -said $332.839 <br />plus said $3370.00, or the total sum of $4652.83; <br />That $5000.00 of racing monies accruing to said County in the year 1937 under an <br />by virtue of said 1936 budget were placed in said interest and sinking fund; <br />That the said cash balance of said interest and sinking fund at this date is -the <br />sum. of $8414.69 and subtracting the said sum of $4652.83 required to be yet expended from said <br />fund or to be retained therein for interest and sinking purposes, leaves a balance not required <br />in said fund of $3761.860 and which is in fact represented by excess racing funds placed in <br />said interest and sinking fund unnecessarily and without any requirement therefor; and <br />Whereas, a heavy demand.has been made upon the general fund of Indian River <br />to meet current and extraordinary expenditures and that said general fund is depleted; therefo3 <br />Be It Resolved that said unexpended balance in said interest and sinking fund in <br />the amount of §3761.,86, and which is represented by racing funds deposited in said interest and <br />sinking fund unnecessarily and through no requirement of law or of contract and which said sum <br />is in excess of all sums requited to be expended by Indian River County from said interest and <br />sinking fund or to be retained in said fund for interest and sinking purposes, be, and the same <br />is, hereby transferred from said interest and sinking fund to the said general fund, upon and <br />after the approval of such transfer by the Comptroller of the State of Florida, to assist in <br />meeting the current and extraordinary expenses of said County and which transfer represents <br />the transfer of racing funds accruing to 4ad County from the State Racing Commission and not <br />funds represented by the levy of ad valorem taxes. <br />i <br />The foregoing resolution having been introduced by Commissioner Vickers and its <br />adoption seconded by Commissioner Helseth, it was declared adopted by the following vote; <br />Ayes: Helseth, Vickers, Poole, Mover and Mudge. <br />Nays*. None. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examined and found correct were approved, and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same. <br />Such bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, The <br />Warrants issued frcmthe respective funds being lised in the supplemental lAinute book as <br />required by the rules and practice of the State Auditing vepartment, reference to said record <br />and the -list so recorded being made a part of these minutes. <br />`the County Depository filed its monthly staatmment, showing receipts and U s— <br />bursments of the various funds which having been audited was found to be correct, <br />There being no further business the Board on motion made seconded and carried, <br />adjourned to meet on Tuesday., June 15th., 1937 at 10:00 o'clock A,M. ,} <br />yw/ <br />AS1j <br />C H A I R M A N <br />RK <br />r, <br />
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