<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund -for -the -ultimate redemptio
<br />of bonds and Time warrants .of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT INO,.. -11-,. and....in_pursuance....of the re-
<br />ruirements of law, and as, estimated by, the County. Board. -oPublic. ,Instructions*,,_it. :Is, determ-
<br />ined and hereby declared that. a- tax rate- of Fifteen..- (-15).-.mills--upon._the..dallar,:be..levied,. and
<br />is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1937,- on. all of the property. -in, the. Gmmty- of _-Indian
<br />River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 11, the 'bound-
<br />aries of which said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and -provide. a- sinking .fund_.for.--.theultipaate. redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAX -SCHOOL DISTRICT'NO. 14, and in pursuance of law.and as.eatimated by j
<br />the County Board of Public Instruction4 _it is determined_and....her..eby..declared.that a tax.rate
<br />of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar, be levied, -and is hereby fixed and. assessed for .the year
<br />1937, on all. -of the property: -in the, County of Indian ..River, _lying „and...being within the. bound-
<br />aries of Special Tax.Schdol District No. 14, the boundaries of which said District being des-
<br />cribed above in these minutes..
<br />Estimates having been.made by the Board of Commissioners of IIAN RIVER MOSQUITO
<br />CONTROL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed.with this-.Board,.as_required
<br />by law, and as estimated by thesaidBoard of Commissioners, it is, determined and hereby de-
<br />clared that a tax rate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby mixed and
<br />assessed for the year 1937, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and
<br />being within the boundaries of said Indian -River Mosquito -Control -District, the boundaries of
<br />said District being
<br />described as the
<br />entire
<br />County as a whole.
<br />Estimates
<br />having been made
<br />by the
<br />Board of Commissioners of the FLORIDA INLAND NA
<br />TION DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolutionfiledwith this Board, as required by
<br />law, and as estimated by the said Board'of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of One (1) mill upon..the dollar,be levied, and is hereby fixed and imposed
<br />assessed for the year 1936, on all. of the property in - the. County of Indian. River, lying and
<br />being within the boundaries.of said Florida Inland Navigation._Distr_ict,.the boundaries of
<br />said District being described as -the entire County as a whole, one half () mill of which sha
<br />be used to pay interest and create a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of bonds out-
<br />standing and one-half () mill.shall.be used for all expenses including the purchase price of
<br />right-of-way and other property.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Commossioners of SEBASTIAN INLET DISTRICT
<br />for the ultimate redemption of bonds, notes or other obligations outstanding, and to pay in-
<br />terest thereon, when due, and for general repairs and additional work to be done, and a cert-
<br />ified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required by law., and as estimated by
<br />the said Board of Commissioners of said Inlet District, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of Five (5) mills upon the dollar -be levied,.. andishereby.fixed and assessed,
<br />for
<br />the year 1937,
<br />on -all of the
<br />property in the
<br />County, of
<br />Indian River, lying and
<br />being in
<br />the
<br />boundaries of
<br />said .Sebastian
<br />Inlet District.
<br />Four (4)
<br />mills of _which -shall be
<br />-used solely
<br />for interest payments, when due, and to create a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of
<br />bonds, notes..and.other obligations outstanding and -One (1). -mill shall be used for repairs,
<br />maintenance, betterment -and general work and construction on said Inlet, as provided by Chap,
<br />7976 Acts of 1919.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of FELISMERE GROSS STATE
<br />ROAD DISTRICT, _ and the said Board having filed certified copy of the resolution declaring the
<br />tax levy for the.nec.essary expenditure -and -for the purpose ofpaying .interest, when due, and
<br />for creating a.sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of bonds -of said District, it is de-
<br />termined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Nine (9) mills on the dollar be levied, and
<br />is hereby fixed and.assessed for the year 1937, on all of the property in the. County of Indian
<br />1
<br />