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<br />0-3 River, lying and being within the:boundaries of said Fellsmere Cross State Road District. The
<br />boundaries of said .District being, described. as .follows.s. __Beginning where .the .water's edge of
<br />the Atlantic Ocean intersects the line between --Townships 29 and 30 South, Isun,thence.west to
<br />west line of Brevard County or to+ the -forth-west corner of -Township -30 South.,, Range 35 East,
<br />run -thence South following Townshlip lines, on- the... west...boundary...of,,,Brevard .County..and St _Laxci
<br />County (now Indian River County) to. the Sauth. west. corner., of.. Township...31-.South,. Range. 3.5 East
<br />run thence East six miles more or less to the forth -west corner of Towhship 32 South, Range
<br />36 East, run thence South -six miles, more or less, to. the .South.. -west corner --of Tdwnsh.ip. 32__.
<br />South, Range, 36 East, run thence East 18 miles, more, oll lea.%. to, the South. -east corner of
<br />Township 32 South, Range 38 East,Il run thence forth 6 miles-, more or less, --to .the South-west
<br />corner of Township 31 South, Range 39 East, run thence East to the- water's edge of the -At -
<br />lantic Ocean, thence Forth meandeiring said water's edge to theplaceof beginning.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Bond Trustees of the ATLANTIC -GULF SPECIAL ROAD
<br />AND BRIDGE DISTRICT, and the Trustees having certified, by appropriate resolution, the rate
<br />of millage to be assessed as the amount required to meet interest payments and for the ulti-
<br />mate redemption, of bonds and refunding bonds outstanding,. and .to create a sinking fund, and
<br />in pursuance of the requirements 'of law, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate
<br />of Fifteen --(15) mills -upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed .for the
<br />year 1937, on all of the property, in the County of-Indian.River, lying and being within the
<br />boundaries of said Atlantic -Gulf Special Road. and Bridge -District, for the purpose of paying
<br />interest and creating a sinking flund, the boundaries of which..sai.d District being described
<br />as follows, to"Wits. Beginning on the Township line between townships 33 and 34 South, and on
<br />the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, run Nest on. Township line.. between- Townships _ 33 and 34 to__ the �
<br />South-west corner of Township 33 (South, Range 36 East, thence -_North. between -Ranges -35 and..36
<br />to the South-east corner of Township 32 South., Range.. 35 -East;.., thence west- between- Townships
<br />32 and 33 and on the South boundary of Osc.eoia.. and.. St.. Lucie- Counties, to--th.e .center line . of
<br />the Kissimmee. River, same being the .South-west corner of Oaceola.County;.thence.-North.-westerJi
<br />with the, center.. line. of_ said . Kissimmee --.River and- .the - East :.shore . of Lake:.Ki.ssimmee (said -river
<br />and Lake being the. w.est...boundary of Osceola County), to: the,;Township --line ..between Townships 29
<br />and 30 to the Ndrth,Least: corner - of,- Township _ 30..:South ,..Range- 34 East;.. thence South between
<br />Ranges 34 and 35 to the South-east corner of Township 30 South, Bange 34 East; thence *est to
<br />the forth -east corner of Township -32 -South, Range.- 34., East;....thence,..South to - the _ South-west co
<br />ner of Township 31.South ,. Range 35 East; thence East to corner ..of: Township 32
<br />South, Range 35 East; thence South . to . the South -east -corner . of Towaship. 32 -South., Range 3.5
<br />East; thence eastalongTownship line b_etween..Townships 32 and 33 South, to South-east corner
<br />of Township 32 Range 38 East; thence,Northon.-Range._. line, between...Ranges.. 38. -and.- 39 to Township
<br />line between Townships. 31- and .32 - South; . thence -Easterly- on -Township ...l.ine. ,between..Townships
<br />and 32 to the.shore of the Atlantic Ocean.; thence meandering with the_ -.shore .of. -said Ocean to
<br />place of beginning.
<br />The Board then proceeded to fix- themillage for -the- VERO.- BRIDGE DISTRICT, in.
<br />ance with the laws of Florida., as amended by the.. Acts of..the 1927 Legislature, and it- was de-
<br />termined that a tax rate- of Four (4) mills --on- the., dollar.: -be.- levied and -is--.hereby= fixed and.
<br />sessed for the. year 1937, .on all of the property iii- the County of .Indian River lying and bel
<br />within' the' - boundaries , of said Vero.. Bridge. District.- for the purpose , of repaying loan now out-
<br />standing and unpaid, the totalsum estimites..inthe,, budget. -being $4,992.67,
<br />The Board thea proceeded to, fix the-millage .for. the QUAY ,BRIDGE DISTRICT, in .accord
<br />ance with the laws of Florida,..as.. amended.- by the Acts ., of-. the: 1927, . Legislature:, and it was de-
<br />termined that a tax rate of Four (4) mills upon. -the dollar --be- levied. -and- is. -hereby fixed and
<br />assessed for the year 1939, on all of the property in the County'of Indian River, lying and
<br />