lor purchase of - bonds at market prices below par as provided tinder the Kanner Bill.
<br />Be It Farther Resolved that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the
<br />e
<br />e
<br />Clerk of this board to the'State Burd of -Administration and a like copy thereof be forwarded
<br />Honorable E'4, V, Knott, State Treasurer..
<br />The mot$on for the adoption -of the resolution being duly seconded, it was declared a-
<br />dopted by the following vote:
<br />Ayes: Bi P. Poole, S. E. Glover,.ank-0. Vickers, and ,Edwin A. Helsetho
<br />Nays: Hone,
<br />The request for the Boards Approval of Mrs, Mattie Jackson Fox (Mrs, George A. Fox)
<br />who has not been a resident of this County* for six months be allowed to work in EPA Sewing
<br />Doom, was denied.
<br />Frank A. Knight, Road Superintendent, appeared before the Board, and requested pay
<br />for laborers (negroes) who had been spreading mil, be made Saturdays January 22, 1938, to which
<br />the -Board agreed# MDtion to that effect, was made by Commissioner Irankk 0, Vickers, seconded by
<br />Counissioner S. E, Mover. Motion carried.
<br />William W** Frick, Sheriff, filed his semi-annual report of fees and commissions for
<br />the period of July lst., 19317 to December 31st., 19399 as followss
<br />a, ,. 10 ! .
<br />Civil Docket ......... ......................•.......i � 323433
<br />Arrests for'other W7l3eriffi�ir.•.••••.•.••.••••♦•••i.••.i• 38i+
<br />A�+0
<br />Criminal lioBtSi.•••..•••••ei••••••••••••.••••••••.•.•••• 1031.14
<br />General Court Costs,...e•••••e••e•••••••••••••..•.i.ri•. 833.30
<br />Commission®sof fines and Costs colleeted......•..1...•., 49.60
<br />TOTAL RECEIPTS*......2274.95
<br />Estelle Rym®r......:....o .............................i. 260.00
<br />Upkeep Auto, Gas & Oil* ... 183.31
<br />Frank Foots. Dept. Sheriff .............................. 81..00
<br />John Beugnot, Dep. Sheriff..., ..................•....... 7.50
<br />Julius Barker, Dep. Sh®riff ...............i............. 40.40
<br />TOTAL 0. 511*81
<br />NETIHCOb6E..i..................................... 173.14
<br />Whish report was duly sworn to before Douglas,,Baker, Clerk Circuit Court, on the
<br />12th. day of January, 1938,6
<br />`Thecae being no further business, on Motion being made, seconded and carried, the
<br />r�
<br />Board,, then adjourned. Y"
<br />Atte a a .
<br />c e
<br />Clark*
<br />---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />Tuesday February 1. 1938.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and foP Indian Fiver County, Florida, met at
<br />the Courthouse in Vero Beach, at 9x30 o°clack A. X. Tuesday February lst., 1938 in regular ad-
<br />journed meeting with the following members of the Board present; E. F. Poole, Chairman; S. F.
<br />Glover; Edwin A. Helseth and Frank C. Vickers. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney
<br />to the Board, Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk,
<br />Mr. 11. H. Boyd, representing the Speeder Machinery Corporation, reported that the
<br />Company, who rented the County owned Universal Crane, as set forth on page 105 County Commission-
<br />ers Minute Book #2, had finished with the machinery as of -January 20, 1938 and that the rent
<br />would cease as of that date. Bir. Boyd requested permission to sell the machinery and on motion
<br />made by Frank C. Vickers, seconded by Edwin A. Helseth and carried, was authorized to sell the
<br />machinery at the best obtainable price at a minimum of.$1500.00 net to this Board and such:
<br />price to be cash or negotiable paper that the Speeder Machinery Corporation will accept on
<br />II
<br />