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Creation date
6/9/2015 9:58:06 AM
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account of this Board to it at face value of paper and without recourse to this Board, this Bo- <br />ard,to pay no commission or costs for making such sale. <br />Hon. George V. Walters, Justice of Peace, presented a bill for office supplies and it <br />was ordered that said bill be referred to attorney Charles A. Mitchell to obtain the opinion of <br />the Attorney General with regard to the authority of this Board to purchase supplies for said <br />Justice of Peace. <br />It was ordered H. J. Jones, Gifford, be removed from the Paupers List because he is <br />now receiving Old Age Assistance. <br />On motion made by Frank C. Vickers, seconded by S. E. Glover and carried, the sum of <br />$100.00 was appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and it was ordered that a warrent be <br />drawn on said fund payable to the Chamber of Commerce to be used for advertising purposes for <br />Indian River County. <br />Application of Drayton Reams for admittance to the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Or- <br />lando, Florida, was approved with the understanding that 1/3�,'hospilization cost is to be paid <br />by the applicant and/or his parents. <br />On motion made by S. E. Glover, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried, Frank A. <br />Knight, Road Superintendent was re-employed for the calendar year 1938 to receive the sum of <br />$125.00 per month effective January 1, 1938. <br />On motion made by S. E. Glover, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried, Frank Behler <br />Janitor for the Court House was re-employed for the calendar year 1938 to receive the sum of <br />$75.00 per month effective January 1, 1938. <br />On motion mdae by S. E. Glover, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried all of the <br />.present County employees, not heretofore mentioned in these minutes, be re-employed, salary <br />remaining the same as they are now receiving until the further orders of the Board. <br />RESOLUTION. <br />Commissioner Helseth introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to- <br />wit: <br />Whereas, the statutes of the State of Florida provide that this Board select at its <br />first regular meeting in February of each year a newspaper in which shall be published adver <br />tisements by the Tax Collector of the sale of lands upon which taxes are unpaid and delinquent <br />as provided by Section 969 of the Compiled General Laws of Florida, and for other purposes, and <br />this meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian Biver County being the first regular <br />meeting of such Board in February, 1938; <br />Be It Resolved that this Board does herewith select and designate Vero Beach Press- <br />Journal, a newspaper published in Indian River County, Florida, and which newspaper has been <br />continuously published in said County for a period of not less than nne year prior to this date, <br />as the newspaper in which shall be published by the Tax Collector of Indian River County, Flori`, <br />da advertisements and notices of sales of real estate for non-payment of taxes required to be <br />paid on such real estate and as the newspaper in which shall be published any and all other <br />publications and notices and the selection of which such newspaper is a duty of this Board. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded it was declared <br />adopted upon roll call by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Poole, Helseth, Vickers and Glovers—. <br />Nays: None. <br />Deputy Sheriff Bond for Robert Daly in and for Indian River County, for the sum of <br />$1000.00 with A. W. Young and Katherine D. Rick as sureties was approved. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley appeared before the Board and gave a verbal report of her act- <br />ivities and also filed the following report for the month of January 1938 as follows to-wits <br />The total case load for the month was 154 <br />i <br />
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