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[J <br />n <br />been in the office of the Governor of Florida since January 3rd, 1938; therefore <br />Be It Resolved., That the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County,Florida, <br />in its own.behalf and at the request of many petitioning citizens, does herewith formally re- <br />quest the Governor of the State of Florida any and all acts that may be necessary in <br />order that the said Johnny Smith may be removed from the County Jail of Indian River County, <br />Florida and placed in the State Prison at Raiford, Florida, and the sentence of said Court be <br />carried out, and that such action be requested immediately in order that there may be due enfor- <br />cement of the laws of the state and in order that the taxpayers of Indian River County, Florida <br />may be relieved of a burden which properly should not be borne by them. <br />Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor <br />of the State of Florida; a copy be transmitted to the Attorney General of Florida; a copy be. <br />transmitted to the presiding Judge of Division C of the Circuit Court for the Ninth Judicial Ci3 <br />cuit of Florida; and that a copy hereof be transmitted to-the*State Attorney for the Ninth Jud -w <br />ictal Circuit of Florida. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being.duly seconded, it was declared <br />adopted by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Glover, Michael, Poole and Vickers. <br />Naye s: None. <br />RESOLUTION., <br />Coismissioner Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to, wi <br />Whereas, the Works Progress Administration quota for Indian River County, Florida, <br />exclusive of the sewing room, is 19; and <br />Whereas, not less than 75 men, and probably a number of men in excess of 1006 are <br />badly in need of work in Indian RiVer County at this time, and they and their families are <br />without means of support, and all of.said men are qualified for WPA work under the rules and <br />regulations of the said Works Progress Administration; and <br />Whereas, Indian River County has appropriated a sum -.-of money sufficient to meet.its <br />share of.a WPA project in connection with planting oyster beds in this county, and said project) <br />has been approved and all equipment has been placed'in the county, and the persons in charge <br />of said project have requisitioned the Indian River County Works Progress Administration office <br />for 75 men, and the said office i -s unable to furnish said men by reason of the low WPA quota ink <br />said county, although -there are 75 or more men in said county nova oat of work and in extreme <br />need of employment; and <br />Whereas, by reason of seasonal conditions a much larger WPA quota is needed in said <br />county in the summer months`than-in the winter months; therefore <br />Be It Resolved: That this Board requests those having any influence in the matter of <br />Works Progress Administration quota do everything possible to secure an increased Works Progres <br />Administration quota for Indian River County, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded <br />to Senators Charles 0. Andrews and Claude Pepper, Congressman J. Mark Wilcox and State Works <br />Progress Administrator R. J. Dill. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded it was declared <br />adopted by the following vote; <br />Ayes: Glover, Michael, Poole, Vickers. <br />Nayes: None. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursements <br />of the various funds which having been audited were found to be correct. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County having been audited, were examirâ–ºed <br />