2,G 2.�
<br />thence South along Range line to S. W. Corner Sec. 189 Tp, 33 S.,R. 36 E., thence Fast to
<br />Atlantic Ocean, .thence North along Ocean beach to starting point.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAS SCHOOL DISTRICT N4. 14, and
<br />the Trustees having certified the rate of millage voted to be assessed it was determined that
<br />a tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is bereby fixed and assgdsed for
<br />the year 1938, on all of the property'in the County of Indian River, lying and being within the
<br />boundaries of the said District No. 14, which boundaries are as follows, to -wit: Beginning'at
<br />the North-east corner of Tp. 31, S., R. 37 E., then runwestalong County line to.N. W. Corner
<br />Tp. 31 S., R.-35, thence South along County line to S. W. Corner, Tp. 32 S., Range 35, thence
<br />East along township line to S. E. Cor, -Tp. 32 S., R. 37 thence North along Range line to ftart-
<br />Ing point.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 16, and
<br />the Trustees having certified the rate of millage.voted to be assessed it wad determined that a
<br />tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar.be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the
<br />year 1938, on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being within the bou
<br />aries of the said District No. 16, which boundaries are as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the
<br />North-east corner of Sec. 21, Tp. 33 S., R. 40 E., then run west along pection line to N. W. Co
<br />ner-Sec. 199 Tp. 33 S., R. 36 E., thence South along Range Line to S. W. Corner of Sec. 319 Tp.
<br />33 S. R. 36 East, thence East along Section line to Atlantic Ocean, thence North.along Ocean
<br />Beach to starting point.
<br />To meet the interest payment and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate�reedemption of
<br />bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, and in pursuance of the requirements of'law, and as
<br />estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction,, it is determined aad'hereby declared that
<br />a tax rate of Fifteen (15) millw upon the dollar,be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed
<br />for the year 1938, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, .lying and being within
<br />the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 1, the boundaries of which said District being
<br />described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide..a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAY SCHOOL DISTRICT 110. 7, and in pursuance of the requirements of law, and
<br />a8 estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar, be levied) and is hereby fixed and assessed
<br />for the year 1938, on all of the property in the County of IAdian River,`lying and being within
<br />the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 7, the boundaries of which said District
<br />being described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 8 & 9, and in pursuance of the requirements of law,
<br />and as estimated by the County Board of Public Iriatruction,, it is determined and hereby de -
<br />(5)
<br />Glared t�at:a-tax rate of Five (5) mills upon the dollar, be'levied, and is hereby fixed and
<br />assessed for the year 1938, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and
<br />being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 8 & 99 the boundaries of which
<br />said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds and Time warrants of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11,- and in pursuance of the re-
<br />quirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction,. it is determ-
<br />lined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Fifteen (15) mills upon the dollar, be leviea, and
<br />is hereby fixed _'.and assessed for the year 1938, on all of the property in, the County of Indian
<br />River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School DistricV:No. 11, the bound,,,
<br />aries of which said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />r
<br />1
<br />