<br />2� 3
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO._.14, and in pursuance of law.and as estimated by
<br />the County Board of.Public.Inst� ction, it is determined and.hereby declared that a -tax rate
<br />lf�� Ls,e r'kCseyb`i- ReSAx
<br />L &10 '/
<br />of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar,..be__levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for the year
<br />1938, on all of the property ij.the County of Indian River, lying and being.within the bound
<br />aries of Special Tax School District No. 14, the boundaries of',which said District being des-
<br />cribed above in these minutes.
<br />Estimates having been.made.-by the Board of Commissioners of INDIAN RIM MOSQUITO
<br />CONTROL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required
<br />by law, and as estimated by the said Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby de-
<br />olared that a tag rate.of Three (3) mills upon the.dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed -'and
<br />assessed for the year.1938, on all of the.property,in the County of Indian River, lying and -
<br />being within the boundaries of said Indian River Mosquito Control District, the boundaries of
<br />said District being described as the entire County as a whole.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of.Commissioners of the FLORIDA INLAND NA
<br />TION DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required by
<br />law, and as estimated by the said Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of One (1)_ mill upon. the. doll.ar.,...b.e_._levied, and is hereby fixed and imposed -and
<br />assessed for the year 1938,'or.all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and
<br />being within the boundaries of said Florida Inland Navigation District, the boundaries of
<br />said District being described as the entire County as a whole, one half (J) mill of which shall
<br />be used to pay interest and create a sinking fund for the ultimate.redemption of bonds out-
<br />standing and bue-half (J) mill shall -be used for all expenses including the purchase price of
<br />right -or -way and other,.property..
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of SEBASTIAN INLET DISTRICT,
<br />for the ultimate redemption of bonds,notes or other obligations outstanding, and to pay in-
<br />terest thereon,when due, and for general repairs and additional work to be done, and a cert-
<br />ified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required by law, and as estimated by
<br />the said Board of Commissioners of said Inlet District*, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of Seven (7)�mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed,
<br />for the year 1938, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and being in
<br />the boundaries .of said Sebastian Inlet District. Four (4) mills of which shall be used solely
<br />for interest payments, when due, and to create a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of
<br />Refunding Bonds of said District dated July 1st9 1936 and Three (3) mills of which levy shall
<br />be used as a maintenance fund and for the purposes authorized and prescribed in the act creatin
<br />said district namely Section 15,of Chapter 7916 of the Laws of Florida as amended by Chapter
<br />12259 of the Laws of Florida.
<br />Estimates having been made by the Board of.Commissioners of F MERE CROSS STATE
<br />ROAD DISTRICT, and the said Board having filed certified copy.of the resolution declaring the
<br />tax levy for the necessary expendituresand for the purpose of paying interest, when due,.'and
<br />for creating a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of bonds of said District, it is de-
<br />termined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Nine (9) mills on the dollar be levied, and
<br />is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1938, on all of the property in the County of Indian
<br />River, lying and being within the boundaries of said.Fellsmere.Cross State Road District. The
<br />boundaries of said District. being described as follows: Beginning where the water's edge of
<br />the Atlantic Ocean intersects the line between Townships 29 and 30 South, run thence west to
<br />>west.,'line of Brevard.County or to the North-west corner of Township 30 South, Range 35 East,
<br />run thence South following Township lines on.the west boundary.of 'Brevard County and St. Lucie
<br />County (now Indian River County) to the South-west corner of.Township 31 South, Range 35 East,
<br />