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3/15/2018 4:33:00 PM
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6/8/2015 2:31:41 PM
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severally in hand paid by the said County of Indian River, the receipt of whioh is <br />hereby acknowledged, hereby agree, to give the right-of-way through our lands, -as shown <br />by the plat accompanying this petition, and relinquish all olaims_for damage by <br />reason thereof. <br />It was ordered that Joseph Snaith, J.H.Robinson and D.L.Zeisher, be appointed a <br />committee to view, mark out said road and report to this Board. <br />The following Road petition was received, read and filed: <br />ROAD PETITI©E <br />STATE OF FLORIDA - ) <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER) <br />TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF .SAID COUNTY: <br />Gentlemen: <br />We, the undersigned citizens of the County of Indian River, State of Florida, <br />respectfully represent that the necessities of the public require County Roads to be <br />laid out as follows, to -wit: <br />ROAD DESCRIPTIONS. <br />'TOWNSHIP SHIP 33 SOUTH, RANGE 38 B. <br />1. Range Line Road. Beginning at a point 12. ft. West and 100 ft. South of the N.E. <br />oorner of See. 1. Twp. 33 R. 38; thence South to a point 82 ft. North of the South <br />Right of way line of the Main Canal, Indian River Farms Drainage District. said road <br />being 25 ft. wide; the above described line being the center line. <br />2. Beginning at a point 100 ft. South of the NE corner of Sec. 2 Twp. 33 R. 38; thence <br />South to a point 75 ft.,North of the SW corner Sec. 36 Twp 33 R 38; said road being <br />60 ft. wide; the above desoribed line being the center line. <br />3. D 3 Road. Beginning at a point 50 ft. South and 15 ft. West of the center of See. <br />14 Twp. 33 R. 38; thence South to a point 15 ft. West and 75 ft. North of the SE corner <br />of the SWk Seo. 35 Twp 33 R. 38; said road being 30 ft.: wide; the above described line <br />being, the centerline.. <br />4. D 4 Road. Beginning at a point 100 ft. South of the NW corner See. 2 Twp. 33 R. <br />38; thenoe South totheSW corner of the SW* of the NW} Sec. 11 Twp. 33 R. 38; said <br />road, being 60 ft. wide; Also beginning at the point 15 ft. East of the. SW oorner of <br />the SW of the I'T} Seo. 11 Twp 33 R. 38 thence South to a point 15 ft. east and 75 ft. <br />North of the S17 oorner Seo. 35 Twp 33 R. 381 said road being 30 ft. wide; the above <br />described lines being the center lines. <br />5. L.D.5 Road. Beginning at a point 15 ft. East of the NE corner of the NWk Seo.10, <br />TWwp. 33 R. 38 B thence South to a point 15 ft. East and 75 ft. North of the SE corner <br />of the SWk Seo 34 Twp 33 R 38; said road being 30 ft. wide the above de -scribed line <br />being the center kine.. <br />6. D 6 Road. Regiiminc at. a poittt 15 ft. west and 100 ft. south of the NE corner of <br />the BES, Seo. 4; T. 33, R 38; thence south to a point 100 ft. north and and 15 ft. <br />west of the= corner of Sec, 16, Twp. 35, R 38; said road being ,50 ft. wide; the above <br />described line being the center line. <br />7. D 7 Road. Beginning at a point 15 ft. west and 100 ft. -south of , them .corner of the <br />NE4, Sec. 4i Twp. 35, R 58; thence south to a point 15 ft. west and T00 ft. north of the <br />SW corner of the =iv Sec. 9, Tv?. 35, R 38; said road being • 30 ftwide; the above des- <br />cribed line being the center line. <br />-8. Beginning at a point l�ft. west and 100 ft. south of the BW corner of the1W, <br />
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