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1 <br />3!3 <br />TUESDAY. APRIL 4th., 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court house in <br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 O'clock A. M., Tuesday, April 4th, regular meeting with the <br />following members of the Board present; C. S. Michael, Chairman; Albert 0. Helseth; S. E. <br />Glover; W. C. Graves, Jr. and Frank C. Vickers. Also present was Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney <br />for the Board; Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff and Douglas BakeT,Clerk. <br />It was ordered M. L. Lisle, Winter Beach, be removed from the paupers list as he is <br />now receiving Old Age Assistance. <br />Mother's Pension application for Mattie Hauck Gore was approved for the sum Of $10,00 <br />per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />Mr. Donald Forbes and Walter Kitching appeared before the Board and requested the <br />cooperation and assistance of the Board in order that the County Commissioners Districts No. 4 <br />and 54 namely Verb, Beach and Oslo be changed so as to be more,gquitable. Charles A. Mitchell, <br />Attorney,�advised these men that Districts could be changed at certain times by a petition <br />signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the registered voters of the Districts affected and by of <br />three-flfths�(3/5) of the Commissioners or he thought that it could be done by an alit of the <br />Legislature and that he would be glad to investigate the matter further. <br />Honorable George W. Walters presented Cornner'.s reports in the matter of the deaths <br />of Flemming Bing, Cary Smith, William Wall Alias "Pat" and William McEaehin which were received <br />and ordered filed with the Clerk. <br />On motion made by W1 e. Graves, Jr., seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and carried the <br />Board appointed a Committee consisting of Charles 4, Mitchell, Attorney, Douglas Baker, Clerk <br />and C. S. Michael, Chairman to make the necessary arrangements and appointment for a meeting w <br />members of the State Road Departiaett, Dr. G. L. Harrell, Representative of Indian River County "I <br />and Senator, A. 0. Kanner, to be held in Tallahassee, at their convenience, in order that the <br />personal of this Board could meet with them and make a determined effort to have the State <br />Road Department reduce the present requirement of 130 feet to 100 feet for the right-of-way on <br />State Road No. 30. <br />RES 0 LU'T1 0N. <br />Commissioner S. E. Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />WHEREAS, The State Board of Administration has submitted certain' proposals of individ- <br />uals, firms and corporations offering to sell to said Board of Administration certain bonds of <br />Indian River County, and obligations assumed by said County., under the provisions of House Bill <br />No. 30, acts of the 1933 Legislature; and <br />WHEREAS, after carefully considering all of -Auxft. proposals and taking into consider- <br />ation the amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said bonds <br />obligations, it is deemed advisable and expedient to purchase and cancel certain of said bonds <br />'and obligations to -wit: <br />St. Lucie County 4uay Bridge District 6% Pond, dated December 1, 1922, due December 1, <br />1938, at a price of $950.00 Net, No Past Due Cpupons Attached, as designated offering "A". <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners that the State Board <br />of Administration be requested to purchase and cancel the securities listed above at the price <br />quoted. <br />The resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Graves and upon being put to a vote <br />the same was unanimously adopted. <br />Deputy Sheriff's Bond in the sum of $1000.00 for.Elbert Knight with W. C. King and <br />J. L. ]might as sureties was approved. <br />