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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:19:50 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:23:53 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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W.• C. Graves, Jr. and Harry W. Damerow, Committee on Colored -Rest Rooms, reported no <br />decision had been reached as yet regarding a suitabl 0ocation but that the proposition would <br />be brought up before the Business Men's Association at their next meeting. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and carried it was <br />ordered that Frank A. Knight, Road Superintendent, provide transportation to West Palm Beach on <br />April 10th. for 13 to 20 CCC boys. <br />It was moved by W.C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and carried that <br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was instructdd to prepare a Bill for the Board of County Commis- <br />sioners that would empower the County to levy an amount not to exceed three (3) mills for <br />County Wide Fire Protection. <br />Mr. R. D. Reams appeared before the Board regarding the Read Petition signed by J. A. <br />Harris and others and was informed that the County was not in any position to finance -the build- <br />ing of 1new roads at the present time but that further consideration will be given as soon as <br />possible. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by S, F. Glover and carried Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk, was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Roy Schroder, State Director of WPA, <br />Jacksonville, Florida, sending a copy of same to Mrs. Rosalie Avedon, Wiest Palm Beach, Florida, <br />remommending Mrs. V. M. Michael, Wabasso, Florida for Supervisor of the Local WPA Sewing Room. <br />Mrs. J. M. Arbough, Mrs. Joe Ford and Mr. Kenneth Prince appeared before the Board <br />be <br />with a petition signed by William Prince and others requesting this Board to cause to/marked' <br />the NE Corner of Okeechobee County which is the Corner between and dividing Indian River., and <br />said Okeechobee Counties for the purpose of defining the lands which are now in question. }lir. <br />Prince was advised by Attorney Mitchell that this was not the Counties responsibility, but was <br />up to the property owners of those lands to obtain a licensed surveyor who would be agreeable <br />to all parties concerned and have a survey made. <br />It was ordered the public liability and property damage insurance on County owned <br />Trucks be renewed with the Buckingham.;dheeler Agency and with F. W. Rodenburg, Agent. The <br />motion was made by Vii. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by S. E. Glover and carried. <br />A. M. Hill, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer of the Indian River Fire Protective Associa- <br />tion appeared before the Board and requested a donation for the purpose of Fire Protection. <br />The Board informed Mr. Hill that they were eery much in sympathy with the program but because <br />lack of finances it would be impossible to make a donation at the present time. <br />Charles S. Kuster appeared before the Board and presented a.Check in the sum of $81. <br />representing a refund On the Workmen's Compansation Insurance Premium which was accepted and' <br />ordered placed in the Road and Bridge Fund. <br />Bids were received for applying Dri wal Water Proofing Material and for caulking and <br />filling all holes & crahks,restoring all bricks to their original color &nd remove all white <br />spots on the Court house building by the following contractors; Schlitt Brothers for the sum of <br />$173.009 J. E. Singley for the sum of $195.00 and Edward H. Klingsick and Son for the sum of <br />$576.00. On motion made by J. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and carried the <br />contract was awarded to Schlitt Brothers for the sum of $173.00. <br />Chakles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was instructed to prepare Bill to be introduced in the <br />Legislature regarding abandoned wells, in Indian -River County which are frequently lett open pr <br />rust open, causing a waste of water and the overrlowing of lands thereby creating breeding <br />places for mosquitoes. <br />Communications from Mrs. d. M. Bostwick, Jr., Tallahossee,.Florida,'County Commissio <br />ers of Highlands County and from Vivian Collins the A4jutant General were received and ordered <br />filed. <br />• <br />1 <br />
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