The several bills and accounts against the county having been audited, were examined
<br />and found correct, ,.were approved and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same., such bills
<br />and accounts being mn'file in the office of the,Clerk of the Circuit Court. The.warrants�
<br />issued from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book'as'required by
<br />the rules and practice of the State Auditing Department, reference to said record and the list
<br />e • '
<br />so recorded being made a part of these minutes.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried , the meeting
<br />adjourned until 9:00 o' clack -A. M. Thursday, Jupd 22nd., 1939.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />--..rr---r—r-----rrrs--r—rrrr— wrrrr.------rr—a.r—rrr— rrrr— rr—err------rrrrrrrro—rrrar..r
<br />Thur_ sdaX, - une 22.1939.
<br />The Board County Commissioners in and for Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />in 'Pero Beach, at 9:00 o'clock AX., Thursday, June 22, 1939,- in regular adjourns d0meeting with
<br />the followingmembers of the Board present; C. S. Michael, Chairman; Frank C. Vick6rs; S. E.
<br />Glover; W. C. Graves,Jr., and Albert 0. Helseth. Oso present were Wm. Frick, S,heriff; S. N.
<br />Smith, Jr., acting Attorney and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Deputy Sheriff Bond in the sum of $1000.00 for Wayne P: Bailey with John A. Coker,Jr:
<br />and Charles S. Kuster as nureties was approved.
<br />Deputy Sheriff Bond in the sum of $1000.00 for Clyde Dills with 'Walter S. Buckingham
<br />and George f. Loy as sureties was approved.'
<br />a
<br />On motion .made by W. Graves, Jr., seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and unanimously
<br />carried, the Board agreed to furnish the County Tractor to be used on the.Vero-Beach Cemetery
<br />Project,provided the City of Vero Beach would pay for -the operator's time, fuel and also all
<br />parts and labor on break -downs while used on the projsct.
<br />The Clerk announced that Chairman C. S. Mldhael, Attorney S. N. Smith,'.Jr► and-Dougla
<br />Baker,.dlerk, attended a meeting in Orlando, Florida at the invitation of R. E. Crummer amd Co.
<br />on Saturday, June 17, 1939, regarding the effect that the vetoing of the Crary Bill, known as
<br />House Bill 902, wbul,d,have on this and other Counties, which have refunded their bonded debt.
<br />The.proble* was -thoroughly discussed and it was decided that another meeting of the group to
<br />be heli at 2:30 P! M., Monday, June 26, 1939. The State Treasurer's office has recently been -
<br />calling for certain information regarding un -exchanged debt under, -refunding programs. It was
<br />decided it wpuld be at the best interest of the County to withhold the information at,"the
<br />present time.
<br />The Board then on motion made by W# C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Frank C. Vickers and
<br />carried, authorized and instructed Chairman Michael, Attorney Smith, and Clerk Baker to attend
<br />the above referred to maeting in Tallahassee on June 26, 1939 and it was further ordered that
<br />the expenses of said trip to lahassee be paid out of General Revenue Fund of the County.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made, seconded
<br />and parried the Board adjourned until Thursday, dund 29, 1939.
<br />i
<br />i.—r rr rr rr-rrrrar rrrrr err rrr rirrrrrrrrrrrrrr r -r rr..rrrrrr rryrrrrrrrrsrrrrrrrrr
<br />Thursday, June 29, 1939.
<br />The Board County'Commissioners in and for Indian River County met at the Court House
<br />